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  1. Birders4Life

    Reply to review by 'Birders4Life' on item 'Brahma'

    Totally warms my heart! I have a hen named Peep who seemed to be unremarkable from the rest, who turned out to be the most remarkable! She isn't in the top peck either, and doesn't care to be. She's a lovely girl too! Funny how loving they can be be.
  2. Birders4Life

    Egg shells

    Mine really need the extra calcium but you can download a particular nutrition information chart that's very helpful and practical. Has everything from electrolytes to vitamins and when to introduce them. I think you can customize to the breed if your charting.
  3. Birders4Life

    Egg shells

    Hi, I recently saw this and wanted to comment on an excellent question! I have always raised sexlink, but to most breeds this is important. They love ground up egg shells and when laying, they will strengthen the eggs, but they serve a very impressed role in keeping food from getting stuck in...
  4. Birders4Life

    Comment by 'Birders4Life' in album 'Raising Babies!'

    June bugs arrived way late! Having a blast watching them learn! Love these girls!
  5. Birders4Life

    cooling off your chickens

    My husband actually started saving our 16oz and liter soda bottles and filling them half full only, freezing and exchanges them out throughout the day. He just removed the original top traditional water can and it's a breeze to keep you both cool.I was killing!
  6. Birders4Life

    Comment by 'Birders4Life' in media 'media_5f09d857f09ab7.39486514_91d7f0807fa5818ead69b3d4c10e0d1eef5d5c1066a2f4dc523ae1d37bcdfafc.jpg'

    Thanks so much! Their Sexlinks. A local farmer breeds and sells them, and I've always been partial to the breed. We call the brown one Miss Reba and in the sun, their red. She's unique with her markings. Do you have sexlinks? I'd love to see yours. Thanks again! ☺
  7. media_5f09d8585ce794.03570204_13785ed473f43f010cbff52f36d96eabc99f11c85338c842c873682da33307ca.jpg


    They found my run! Smart little buggers! They don't miss a trick! We never leave them unattended during free ranging, so we bring the range to the run!
  8. media_5f09d857d29f72.69451372_0314a4693fe5a287fdc920faf158e1a666dfec810b777b363e53279e40df638f.jpg


    Reba eating ants! Hasn't she grown. She's the sweet girl in my profile picture!
  9. media_5f09d857f09ab7.39486514_91d7f0807fa5818ead69b3d4c10e0d1eef5d5c1066a2f4dc523ae1d37bcdfafc.jpg


    They have grown so much! Grazing on clover! Sweet girls!
  10. media_5f09d7ce5683d6.73770831_ccf2e72c79f855a87a026bff153934b4d2c755ab92a9538ea960c6448ff29b33.jpg


    The occasional race for their favorite feeding area!
  11. Laying!


    Laying A Bit Young!
  12. media_5ed19e5b367a16.14593857_0cde88d48de6ffefbaeb27b7646d653523486b87eda9e787828a58bd8f739527...jpg


    Gretchen layed at 10 weeks. Too early!
  13. media_5ed19d41061c64.12972604_b30aeb95dc50e031b3d5a7267fc5ace06e52bf945c22d06771c3b19600f65dd2.jpg


    First egg at 10 weeks! A first for me! And it's white!
  14. Birders4Life

    So happy to meet all fellow birders!

    Thanks to all for the warm welcome!
  15. media_5e8a779a0378b9.77867117_bb67a59445b78b4eb2200bcfe7ef185b3c4445e6cae05d1d0eb4924adaf17b13.jpg


    Just beautiful!
  16. media_5d911bc7a4e7c7.18566495_2a4a5c3576843f8338f6c79b6ea46f40d2074e836e026e2e6b70970f34cc8a49.jpg


    Saving one of my hummingbirds after a bad hornet sting. It was touch and go!
  17. media_5d911be92a6bf8.85838416_9ac276981ede72663577db2990451ec2341dc1fb70ad2be5403ceaf9d9209c2b.jpg


    Starting to come around after bird cpr!
  18. media_5d911c08a4ef36.02503157_49e140f6042bebaeb28f6a2bcd4fd31a64d821b6589eae05439dee7013387594.jpg


    Finally! Flew off after 10 minutes! A very close call!
  19. media_5ea60d0eaa26a9.00723096_c9049ce74b4b4118fed0410a397bb58edda28154ba67e1984e52c5559c837a50.jpg


    Miss Reba. The smallest and loudest of all. She's a Black Sex-Link!
  20. media_5ea60d171e98e6.93801784_93cac07bce348dcbb8af1c2d5c6e22b5aaa3a9fdd84fd890633a7b76b4387786.jpg


    Reba never shuts! Our favorite!
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