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  1. micahdanielr

    Help! I'm looking for a dog breed that....

    You should look into shelties they are absolutely adorable and very intelligent.
  2. micahdanielr

    Muscovy Duck Eggs questions.

    I have a question regarding my Muscovy duck eggs. My hen just started sitting on her eggs SAT morning and I decided to take them away and place Cayuga eggs under her instead (on Tuesday night). I-took her eggs and placed them in a nest where my Other muscovy hen is going to go broody soon. Are...
  3. micahdanielr

    Rhode Island Red Rooster crossed back with sex-link hen??

    Hello, I am wondering what will happen if I cross my RIR rooster back with some of my sex link hens. Will the hens that come out, lay just as big eggs or will they not lay very much at all.
  4. micahdanielr

    Ended 11th Annual EHAL - Contest #7: Broodies & their babies!

    What does TBD @ midnight stand for??
  5. micahdanielr

    Baby Quail Dying!! Help

    Poor thing. I got the same results when the humidity was too high in my gosling incubator. Unfortunately, there is nothing really to do about the little guy except to let nature take its course. Most of the goslings that came out that way survived for me, but I have no experience with quails...
  6. micahdanielr

    Red sex-links and black sex-links?

    Sorry to hear that!! My red sex-links also laid XL eggs but I didn't know if there was a difference between the two. Thanks for the Info. I think I'll just wait till they have the red sex-links available:)
  7. micahdanielr

    Red sex-links and black sex-links?

    Does anybody know if red sex-links and black sex-links lay the same large brown eggs? Or do they lay differently? The hatchery with the red sex links are all sold out but they have the black ones so I am just wondering if they are the same?
  8. micahdanielr

    Does anybody know how to encourage a hen to go broody?

    I have a Ameraucana/Maran hen that keeps laying eggs. But she won’t go broody already! Is there anything I can do to make her go broody??
  9. I'm gonna get you!!

    I'm gonna get you!!

    One of my muscovy females landed on a thin wire in my garden and the cat immediately rushed to try to get it
  10. micahdanielr

    What predator could this be? Am I right?

    Did you know that each state is actually breeding and releasing Red-Tailed hawks to keep the squirrel population down, and each hawk has a microchip tracking device on it :(
  11. micahdanielr

    What predator could this be? Am I right?

    Yeah, I set a trap too but these foxes, I think, are to smart for that. I also set a camera outside that records when there is motion, but so far he hasn't come back yet. I'll let you know if anything new happens😉
  12. micahdanielr

    What predator could this be? Am I right?

    Yes, same thing happened to me. Something stole one of my Muscovy females in the night, but there were no feathers around, so whatever got her was big enough to pick her up in his mouth and carry her into the woods. So my best guess would be a fox or coyote as stated previously!
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