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  1. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Then your claim that your inability to see the shell fragments in the soil must mean that they've broken down into their individual constituent elements makes even less sense, no matter how many condescending emojies you use But as for your "degree in physics", I recall that being on display...
  2. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Just because the shell fragments are too small for you to see and differentiate from other parts of the soil doesn't mean that they've decomposed into their constituent elements. They can do so, but the soil needs to be fairly acidic (have a low pH) in order to react with the calcium carbonate...
  3. D

    PLEASE HELP: What killed almost my whole flock? 17 dead.. :( (WARNING: GRAPHIC)

    Yep. I've encountered raccoons during daylight hours numerous times while hunting.
  4. D

    How much did your first egg cost?

    I believe that may be a textbook case of a Pyrrhic victory. 😞
  5. D

    How much did your first egg cost?

    We sold our old house, moved all the way across Dallas/Ft. Worth and bought an even bigger house on 10x as much land...mostly because I wanted to be able to keep chickens, goats, etc. So, let's just say my eggs cost a lot.
  6. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My favorite way to eat them is to drizzle a little olive oil on them, apply a little kosher salt and pepper and then grill them for a few minutes. Then pull them off the grill and microplane some Parmigiano-Reggiano on them. It's the king of vegetables.
  7. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I haven't even planted anything else yet and already the asparagus I planted last year is putting food on the table (or at least the counter). And yes, they're delicious.
  8. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well, this answers that question.
  9. D

    Just a heads up...

    Sure, they're adorable until you're bailing them out of jail and having to drive them to meet their parole officer every month.
  10. D

    Just a heads up...

    I was thinking it looked like a scene from that lesser-known Broadway play about gang warfare, West Side of the Yard Story.
  11. D

    Just a heads up...

    ...that crime never sleeps, even in extreme weather. I don't know what went down in our backyard, but some suspects have been rounded up. Just look at those guilty expressions.
  12. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Everything I've read claims that Fava Beans (aka, "Broad Beans") are cold hardy down to 14°F. I'm not sure that's right, at least not when they're starting out. We haven't gotten below 25°F yet.
  13. D

    Do you wear pajamas all day on Christmas?

    Me, ever since the neighbor's circulated that petition after I went out to check the mail in what I normally sleep in.
  14. D

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I sure did enjoy those 20 minutes of Fall we got last week. This is at 7:30 AM with the sun up, meaning it was even colder overnight. So much for any more goodies from the garden. I still had watermelons, some okra and the majority of the tomato crop ripening out there.
  15. D

    What did you make from your garden today?

    Thanks, it wasn't half-bad. I cobbled it together from a bunch of different recipes I found, picking what sounded good from each of them. The only thing I think was a mistake was adding the apple cider vinegar one of them called for. The theory was that it would take the edge off the...
  16. D

    What did you make from your garden today?

    It dropped to 32°F last night and will again tonight, so it seemed like a good time to finally do something with one of the big-ol' butternut squashes I grew. So I oven-roasted it for an hour, made a brown butter with fresh sage and onion (both also from the garden) and combined them with a...
  17. D

    Rolled oats ? They won't eat it

    That's what I'm saying. All of the oats I listed are in fact oatmeal that are routinely cooked for humans. You're thinking specifically of instant/rolled oats, which are just one form of oats people eat. I make a big batch of steel cut oats every week in my pressure cooker.
  18. D

    Which breed for a new roo?

    Yeah, my thinking there is that his value won't be as an anti-predator combatant ( though he's pretty scrappy, and suspect he'd go down giving it his all) but rather as a lookout/alarm system for the hens.
  19. D

    Meet the new roo

    Thanks for that info. Yeah, I definitely see the resemblance.
  20. D

    Which breed for a new roo?

    Thanks, but I guess I should have updated this thread 2 days ago, as we actually just got a new roo. A neighbor posted in a local FB group that they had 2 extras that they needed to re-home, so I said that so long as they didn't exhibit any anti-human aggression that I'd be happy to take one...
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