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  1. City Farmer Jim

    What age ?

    Sorry I'm going to switch ALL our hens, pullets to all flock
  2. City Farmer Jim

    What age ?

    I purchased a 10lb bag of chic starter while waiting on replies and when its gone(very soon as they are chicken pigs) will switch to all flock. How will all flock affect egg production? Its not a big deal really but more of an FYI so I don't panic which ever way egg production goes..y'all here...
  3. City Farmer Jim

    What age ?

    What age can chics be switch to pullet/hen feed. We have 2 Cream leg bars and 2 Barneveld chics we got on good Friday and were 5 weeks old then. They are BIG girls now lol 😆 😂 We are going to integrate them more than likely the week of 4th of July...
  4. City Farmer Jim

    OLD AGE and what to expect

    Then there was or is nothing we could have done to prevent it? The coop dynamic has already shifted. I lovingly called her the "inforcer" because she kept all the rest of the flock in line for the head hen. The new "inforcer" is asserting her dominance in no uncertain terms..
  5. City Farmer Jim

    OLD AGE and what to expect

    Without sounding to morbid what happens to an "older chicken" when they reach end days. Here's why I ask...we just lost a hen that is 7 ish she. We live in south Texas and she has seen a lot, from a 7 day stretch of no power and below freezing, to nearly the same the following year(both times...
  6. City Farmer Jim

    Old bird egg or stressed bird egg

    I have a question for the great minds here at BYC...I have a picture of an egg likes of which I have never seen. It has been extremely hot in south Texas since April but were getting about normal amount of eggs considering the conditions BUT RECENTLY the last 45 ish days we have been getting...
  7. City Farmer Jim

    Not sure WHAT THIS IS

    If "mites" are the issue why would it be just 1-2 birds and not the whole flock...not saying it is mites as I was not able to catch the 2 "naked neck" hens this weekend..and will try tonight or tomorrow night...
  8. City Farmer Jim

    Not sure WHAT THIS IS

    It may be tomorrow night before I get into the coop and get each hen separately and get more pictures. Plus I will have my better half here to help.
  9. City Farmer Jim

    Not sure WHAT THIS IS

    I'll start by saying pictures to follow. Here's the deal..we have a mixed flock of 2 gold laced Wyandottes 2 Easter eggers 2 blue Wyandottes 2 buff orpington and a barred rock and a silver laced Wyandotte and 2 black astrolorp. We had a bullying with a buff orpington and rehomed her for...
  10. City Farmer Jim

    Pecking order ?

     A question for the great minds here at BYC....if a head hen goes broody will she lose position in the pecking order. Here is the senerio...our head hen died unexpectedly and one of our soon to be hens(4/26) decided that she was the head hen(she's the biggest hen) and about 2 weeks later she...
  11. City Farmer Jim

    Anatomy question 🤔

    I am not as versed with chicken anatomy as I should or could and that being said here is my question. Will a hen lay an egg given all the light, food and water requirements have been met with no more stress than a normal day has to offer. We have a hen that is 3.5 years old and from what I can...
  12. City Farmer Jim


    I'm sorry for the slow reply and even more sorry for letting my head to go untreated. Our head hen has vent gleet...we have already started warm Epsom salt soaking and applying antifungal...makes me sad I didn't pay closer attention to her condition and investigate why she was acting a little off.
  13. City Farmer Jim


    I'm not sure where to ask this question so I'm going to start here. This is not an emergency or a wound. We have a 3.5 year old Barred rock that is my favorite girl. I had ask about sour crop and received awesome advice and a gentle massage of her crop ended in her expelling what ever the issue...
  14. City Farmer Jim

    Foot care

    Good afternoon/evening all, not an emergency yet BUT don't want it to. We have a 3.5 year old Orpington hen that I have seen laying down quite a bit and was finally able to get ahold of her. Without knowing chicken anatomy as well as I should..she has a dark spot in the botyom center of her foot...
  15. City Farmer Jim

    AGING hens

    WOO HOO CHANEL LIVES she is active and very actively eating..I know from the last bird that I need to do my do diligence and medicate for the sour crop until she is back to normal...yee favorite hen is A L I V E.
  16. City Farmer Jim

    AGING hens

    I'm sorry but I miss diagnosed what was/is going on with Chanelle...she has sour crop...its the second chicken to develop this malady. What am I doing wrong. I caught and checked her the Tuesday the week of Christmas and she had food in her crop. Today I caught her and the second I touched her...
  17. City Farmer Jim

    AGING hens

    She turned 4 in September, she's a Barred rock/Plymouth rock which ever you like to call them ...she was forced into head hen if you will. Her breed sister gave her life protecting the the other 5 in the flock from a hawk attack so she took over as head hen. She's a very good chicken and...
  18. City Farmer Jim

    AGING hens

    It's just sad see my favorite hen wasting away in front of my eyes. Its almost like she has a mental capacity issue. When ever I call the flock for a treat all come running except for Chanel, I have to go and find her and she seems confused about what it is I want and have to lead her 90% of...
  19. City Farmer Jim

    AGING hens

    Happy NEW YEAR to all. I guess this the right place for this question(s). What is the typical life expectancy of a standard hen ? We have a mixed(ages) flock of 14, our oldest girls will be 4 in February and a couple are moving slower than normal. The 2 in question are 1 is barred rock and a...
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