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  1. Hodgeshens01

    Run materials

    I’ll get some pics this weekend I have a level spot but still plan on building a retaining wall around the base of the run
  2. Hodgeshens01

    Run materials

    Thanks y’all and I have a mixed soil up on a hill so drainage is good just looking to cut back on the mud and use a bedding that won’t mess with the drainage and I suppose my main question is weather or not the sand would be harmful or create any problems I may not be thinking of
  3. Hodgeshens01

    Run materials

    So I am starting my coop and run build this weekend and curious as to what type of materials I could use for the floor of the run. I have considered sand so that is will have good drainage and cut back on any mud the run will be roofed.
  4. Hodgeshens01

    Chicks are in And doing well

    Chicks have arrived and are healthy and happy!
  5. Hodgeshens01


    I just picked up a dozen from broyles in greeneville, tn they seem to be very healthy I have Australorpes and Rhode Island reds they order from a small hatchery up in Ohio
  6. Hodgeshens01

    Solar energy?

    Ok I will look into the timer and am starting to get some ideas on solar thank you
  7. Hodgeshens01

    Solar energy?

    Hey thak you and I will add that I was unaware that you could I should also add that I am more concerned about lighting over heat I live in Tennessee and the temps don’t get very low I just assume that and incandescent light would knock the chill off and provide the additional lighting I am...
  8. Hodgeshens01

    Solar energy?

    Thank you very much and I should probably rephrase I planned on using the light as a minor heat source to knock the chill out during the winter my primary concern is the additional lighting during the winter so this is very helpful and I live in Tennessee so the temps rarely drop below the 20s...
  9. Hodgeshens01

    Solar energy?

    I am setting up my coop in the next few weekends and was wondering if anyone has ever used solar power on their coop and if so what system and how was it set up? I plan to use it to power a heating system for the colder months as well as to provide some additional lighting when the days grow...
  10. Hodgeshens01

    Getting close

    Updates made to the brooder for better temp control
  11. Hodgeshens01

    Getting close

    That will be next weekends project
  12. Hodgeshens01

    Getting close

    They should be hatched wensday and we will pick them up on Thursday
  13. Hodgeshens01

    Getting close

    We ordered twelve six black australorpes and six Rhode Island reds
  14. Hodgeshens01

    Getting close

    Got our brooder set up still a bit of tweaking to do tomorrow and we will be all set for our chicks!!
  15. Hodgeshens01

    How hard is it to get npip certified?

    Has anyone here gone as far as to get npip certified and if so what was your experience with it? Thanks all
  16. Hodgeshens01


    Hey from limestone here guys just ordered my flock look forward to sharing my journey and learning a lot along the way
  17. Hodgeshens01

    First flock of my own

    Thanks guys and actually I found you through the learning center and pulled some good information from there and will be continually researching from there a lot of good information to use
  18. Hodgeshens01

    First flock of my own

    Hey guys I am from East, TN and recently ordered my first flock of twelve hens six Rhode Island reds and six Black Australorps. My grandparents raised a few flocks in the past but they were always free ranged and we usually just threw down feed and crushed clam shell so my knowledge is minimal...
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