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  1. B

    Official BYC Poll: Do You Clip Your Chickens' Wings?

    I always thought you only clip 1 wing, so that when they try to fly it makes them unbalanced, therefore unable to fly.
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    Anyone had this before with worms

    Yes I know what tapeworms look like I have cats and dogs, the picture that's wanted is of the Panacur I have but hubby has been out with his phone so it will have to wait until later, as I now have to go out. But thanks anyway.
  3. B

    Anyone had this before with worms

    Yes I know what they look like but this was a well formed poop with about a dozen worms sticking up like a Medusa's head full of snakes. The picture wanted is of the Panacur I have. Thanks anyway.
  4. B

    Anyone had this before with worms

    As I said in my post I don't have a mobile so not possible. It is a graduated syringe so once I know how much to give them I'll be sorted. Husband has a mobile so I will see if he can do tomorrow.
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    Anyone had this before with worms

    I'm no maths whiz either that's why I asked on here. Each 5g syringe contains 0.94g Fenbendazole
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    Anyone had this before with worms

    I have the Panacur 18.75% Oral Paste 5g Syringe Fenbendazole for cats, dogs, kittens and puppies is this ok to use and how much?
  7. B

    Anyone had this before with worms

    I went into the coop to clean the poop boards day before yesterday and there was a poop that looked like a MEDUSA HEAD. Nice firm poop with about a dozen worms sticking out just like Medusa's head. I am presuming these are round worms, to me that is what they looked like but they weren't moving...
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    Possums and skunks

    The post is called possums and skunks
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    Possums and skunks

    Thought we were talking about skunks and possums not hawks, they will always fly over and chance it if they see the hens but you have good defenders so that will help no end.
  10. B

    Possums and skunks

    Babies are more at risk and defenceless compared to a laying hen, so you did right to eliminate.
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    Possums and skunks

    I tend to agree with you here if you take one out another will move in to replace it. That is what nature is all about.
  12. B

    Silicone mat on the bottom of coop for ease of cleaning? Don't know if I got the link right but I use HempBed-E Bedding makes the coop smell good. This I put under straw in the nest boxes and also on the poop boards I use a kitty litter poop scoop every night to remove...
  13. B

    In case you need a laugh this morning 😆…….

    Just as well its only 2/3 times a week, you wouldn't want that every day. Not if she sounds like she's being strangled. Bet it takes it out of her all that effort.
  14. B

    Chicken Guard Premium battery issues

    Did you buy it online? If so, you should have registered for it, so should be able to trace proof back. I've not needed a a firmware update so not able to help. I also bought mine about 5 years ago, can still access my account from when I bought them.
  15. B

    Saving Money

    Me too.
  16. B

    Tell me what I need to do for cleaning this coop

    You might want to put a poop board under the littles, even a temporary piece of cardboard, as you will have them all walking through poop to get to the nest boxes and will end up with poopy eggs.
  17. B

    Tell me what I need to do for cleaning this coop

    Think your big girls will just walk along their own perch and settle on the higher one 'cos that's what chickens do. Pecking order is the higher ground.
  18. B

    Saving Money

    I also buy the big bag but it is the flaked shells nothing like what you have. It is called Oyster shell and that is what is in the bag. I put it in a small bucket that I got Epsom salts in and they help themselves whenever. If I put their own crushed shell in they are straight at it.
  19. B

    Eggshells as calcium additive

    This is what I do. I've noticed mine also eat the eggshell over the oyster shell, they are also very choosy about which bit of oyster shell they are going to eat and spread it all over searching for the right bit.
  20. B

    Need advice…where would you put the roost bars?

    I myself would only have 1 roost bar there at the height of the back one and run at a right angle to that shelf another shelf and roost bar. otherwise if left with the two together the higher birds are at risk of pooping on the lower ranking birds on the front shelf also by being the same level...
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