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  1. deviflux

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Busy is an understatement! I’m still working with my first time rooster Rudy. We have our good days and our moodier ones, but so far he’s been a gentleman with all other humans and is respectful of me 99% of the time. Currently dealing with a broody hen, which takes on a whole other meaning...
  2. deviflux

    Teenage Roo Behavior

    Only adults and leashed dogs on the property and so far it’s only been with me (the main caretaker) that he reacts to and only a couple times that he’s actually made contact. He has no reaction other than to move away when other people come near him. The other adults on the property are...
  3. deviflux

    Teenage Roo Behavior

    Since I made this post, I’ve been working with Rudy to manage his excitement levels and I’m feeling pretty secure that his sudden aggression is rooted in excitement and is going to be manageable. I’ve stopped giving treats outside the coop for now. (Inside the coops he’s a perfect gentleman...
  4. deviflux

    Teenage Roo Behavior

    @CoopBoots Prior to the last month I was actually pretty hopeful he was going to be a good boy I didn’t have to worry about…aside from his overly amorous and somewhat rough mating ways. I’ve always been respectful about the hens being “his”. If they come to me, I give them love. But I don’t...
  5. deviflux

    Teenage Roo Behavior

    First time roo owner and wondering exactly what I’m dealing with and what the best resolution might be. I’ve got a buff Brahma roo, approaching 1 year old. This is his first spring hormone period and on the last week his behavior has definitely changed. In the afternoon when I’m walking to the...
  6. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    Sad update. My Wynonna is still alive but while unsupervised in the outdoor run with the flock for 30 minutes yesterday, someone or something nearly ripped her comb off completely. She was lifeless when I found her but quickly perked up and was eating well at bedtime. I cleaned the wound and...
  7. deviflux

    Help! Very torn comb

    She made it through the night and ate a tiny bit this morning.. I added some Nutridrench to her water but haven’t seen her drink any. I’m going to leave her be again for a few hours and let her rest.
  8. deviflux

    Help! Very torn comb

    I suspect maybe my rooster but I really don’t know. She’s been weak and struggling with some digestive issues so she’s been kept separate in a crate during the day the last two days so I can monitor what she’s eating and her poop. I’ve seen him kinda run her off from the food (I assume because...
  9. deviflux

    Help! Very torn comb

    Thank you! Is it best to keep it uncovered? I’ve got her in a quiet, warm, dark place for the night and will be checking on her again after dinner.
  10. deviflux

    Help! Very torn comb

    I just found my chicken with a very severely torn comb. I looked here and elsewhere online and I’m just totally lost as to what the best thing to do is. My gut reaction was to clean it as best I could and slather on neosporin. She keeps shaking her head and I’m afraid she’ll hurt herself even more.
  11. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    Forgot to include the pics
  12. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    Sunday update: Still eating and drinking normally and laying down/sleeping in between. I wasn’t able to get molasses today but will tomorrow. Today’s poop seems to have some cecal mixed in…perhaps a good sign of slight improvement?
  13. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    I’ll pick up some molasses in the morning and switch her to that water tomorrow!
  14. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    Today’s update: Early AM. Crop was empty but was slightly expanded/filled with air perhaps. It went flat as soon as I put a little pressure on it to feel if empty or not. No liquid or squishiness. She’s been kept in a cage with only sugar water and feed w/ a little chick grit mixed in. Still...
  15. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    Thanks so much! I’ve moved her inside with me and after much protest she finally took a nap and is now going to town on her food. I’ve been checking her crop every morning but tomorrow I’ll try to do it early enough that she hasn’t had time to eat yet. I assume I should stop the antibiotic...
  16. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    She’s got access to crushed oyster shells. She lays in a sad ball all day, but the second I separate and put her in the “chicken hospital” cage in my office, she comes to life and pitches a fit.
  17. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    She’s 3 or 4. I can’t recall off the top of my head. Free range during the day with layer feed in the coop morning and night and meal worms as treats.
  18. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    Speak of the devil…She just pooped and it’s pretty similar today but not green. Still seems to be filled with undigested grass or something. Is that little speck in the second photo a worm egg? Would they be visible?
  19. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    Nothing I can think of. She’s been lethargic for weeks now and doesn’t do much other than sleep under the bush in front of the house. Before I saw the worm, I had just chalked it up to a fall molt coming on. That wild poop was 3 days ago. They’ve become few and far between since then.
  20. deviflux

    Sick hen not improving

    I have a 3 year old hen who has been unwell for a while and not improving. I noticed a roundworm in her poop one morning a while back and she’s since been through 2 rounds of SafeGuard (I finished the second round 2 days ago). I haven’t seen anymore worms but she hasn’t gone back to normal...
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