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  1. ArcticChickens

    Hei from Norway

    Hei hei everyone, thank you so much for your warm words of welcome! It's a really special community indeed! (Incidentally, the week I finally joined BYC was the worst week for the chooks since I started the whole flock. First, one of my young roosters died ((we suspect some congenital issues...
  2. ArcticChickens

    Hawk attack

    So sorry about your hen! I have just come back from tending to one of my own hens that was attacked by a hawk two days ago and now has a similar wound in the same location. In the beginning she was doing very poorly, loosing her balance and refusing to feed or drink. To be honest, I didn't think...
  3. ArcticChickens

    Hei from Norway

    Hei, my name is Katrin and my family and I live in northern Norway. We moved here two years ago and during our first summer built a (very well insulated) coop and got our first flock of chickens. At the moment we have our four very dignified Leghorn ladies and a lively group of ten Sussex hens...
  4. ArcticChickens

    Heart Problem in Young Rooster

    Hi nchls school, thanks for your advice! No, I know, I try to raise the roosters for meat (very mixed feelings about that...) but we can't slaughter them at the moment and they get along well for now. I will have to use the crate method anyway - it is unusually icy here at the moment and the...
  5. ArcticChickens

    Heart Problem in Young Rooster

    Thank you for your kind advice! That is a very good point! First time raising roosters here, zero experience, so I haven't thought about that... I have a crate I used for the broody hen inside the main coop (for the same reason) so that could work! Unfortunately, we don't have access to...
  6. ArcticChickens

    Heart Problem in Young Rooster

    Thank you for your advice! I will separate him from the rest of the flock and see how his condition develops. He was perking up a bit but now keeps himself separate from the others so I'm guessing he is not feeling too well.
  7. ArcticChickens

    Heart Problem in Young Rooster

    We have a flock of 14 birds (Leghorn and Sussex), with seven Sussex pullets and young roosters hatched in mid-July. Two of the chicks were hatched in the incubator; unfortunately I can't say for certain if this rooster was one of them. Until now, most of the young birds have developed very well...
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