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  1. Nimure

    Homing pigeons didn’t come back

    No. I keep hoping, but we got some bad weather last night so I figured it’s a lost cause. Still leaving the trap open with the bobs down in case they come back when I’m not around. I also let some local pigeon folks know in case the birds go home with another flock. I am super bummed.
  2. Nimure

    Homing pigeons didn’t come back

    Unfortunately they did not come back to the loft today. Fingers crossed for tomorrow 😩
  3. Nimure

    Homing pigeons didn’t come back

    Two birds flew by while I was home for lunch. I let the ones in the loft out for a bit and the wayward birds did a second fly by but did not land yet. I had to head back in but I’m feeling hopeful having seen at least a couple of them still alive and around.
  4. Nimure

    Homing pigeons didn’t come back

    As of this morning they still had not returned. I had to leave eventually to go into work, but I will try to go home around lunch and check. I didn’t feel comfortable leaving the loft open as they’re still getting comfortable with the trap so I don’t have all the bars down yet. Which means the...
  5. Nimure

    Homing pigeons didn’t come back

    I’m pretty new to homing pigeons. I’d been letting my birds loft fly for about a week and they hadn’t really been flying a lot. Just a little. But not routing. I did have one get scared off by a coops and the bird still came back an hour later. I was kinda worried about them getting lazy. I’ve...
  6. Nimure

    Laying eggs over fall/winter?

    Thank you all for the replies! I left the eggs in the nest box out of curiosity after my post, while awaiting replies. The hen mallard decided to go broody though. If she’s not sitting on them, one of the chickens takes over 🤣🤣 Definitely gonna have to raise these inside if they hatch because...
  7. Nimure

    Laying eggs over fall/winter?

    Hiya friends, So my hen welshie just started laying. It’s currently a very solid fall here in the midwest and I’m not entirely sure what to do. These are her first eggs. I’d like her to go broody and hatch out babies, but I’m thinking this is a poor time of year for her to be doing that. If I...
  8. Nimure

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing help

    For anyone curious, a quick update: definitely two males and a female. They have been named Sir Quacksly, Lady Quacksly, and Dandelion. Dandelion is the one I was unsure of sex on for a while. He’s also the friendliest of the 3 and will sit in my lap. They also finally accepted Duck, my female...
  9. Nimure

    Breeding/Parent raised ducks in a mixed flock?

    Sorry for not typing that clearly. I have two drakes and two hens at the moment. I would like to add a few more hens but likely won’t be able to this year. I was supposed to have one male and two females with the WHs but I believe the breeder sexed by bill color and one of the ‘females’ ended up...
  10. Nimure

    Breeding/Parent raised ducks in a mixed flock?

    Hi all, I have tried looking for threads with more info, but I’ve had little luck so I decided to post here. Feel free to direct me elsewhere if I’ve missed something. I currently have a mixed flock of a few hens and a few ducks. They seem to get on well enough. One female mallard I’ve had...
  11. Nimure

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing help

    Pretty sure I’ve got two males and a female. Both males are still peeping with an occasional whistle/hoarse sound. Female is quacking regularly now. Not the end of the world. Hopefully the two boys aren’t too rough on the girl. Guess I’ll be looking to pick up another female at some point too...
  12. Nimure

    Breed ID help - Easter egger ‘mutt’

    Yes! Apple would chill anywhere I put her in the house. She’d just hang out and wait for me and occasionally talk softly to herself. We discovered this when I brought her inside a few times to treat her for bumblefoot. She was a really special bird.
  13. Nimure

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing help

    Here are the parents: They look about as I expected. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see on these kids. I’m not planning to show, mostly keeping them for companion/general farm animals, so I guess it’s not a super big deal having a yellow billed female. But I do love the look of the standard...
  14. Nimure

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing help

    Well the one I am certain is female is starting to quack now. The one I am confident is male is not. The one that could go either way I’m still waiting on. I think the breeder has two from this clutch that are similar. Lighter beaks so she thinks they should be female, but we are waiting for...
  15. Nimure

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing help

    Got back from my trip and the babies acted like they didn’t know me at first, but after a few treats they were sitting in my lap and snuggling up against me for nap time.
  16. Nimure

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing help

    One of them has some reddish brown on her head like your second female. But the other two appear to be getting quite dark. 😩 Really hoping I don’t have two boys.🤞
  17. Nimure

    Breed ID help - Easter egger ‘mutt’

    Oh really? That’s cool! I will check them out!
  18. Nimure

    I’m sorry I somehow missed all of these! That’s awesome that you’re working towards your goal...

    I’m sorry I somehow missed all of these! That’s awesome that you’re working towards your goal. As I’m sure you’ve discovered falconry can be so hard, but very rewarding.
  19. Nimure

    I am! And thank you!

    I am! And thank you!
  20. Nimure

    Breed ID help - Easter egger ‘mutt’

    Hey all, I know this is a long shot but I’m hoping some of you lovely folks can help me. I lost my favorite chicken this past Memorial Day to a fox. It has really devastated me, as she was so special to me. I know there won’t be another chicken just like her, but I’d like to get a few more...
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