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  1. Arbutus Peregrine

    Legbar or isbar?

    I love mine equally so far!! All friendly and gorgeous eggs!! Both breeds were very flighty for me until point of lay. At 6 months they are settled, confident and happy. None seem super noisy but maybe the Isbars are a bit quieter. What did you decide on?
  2. Arbutus Peregrine

    Silverudd (Isbar) disposition & sexing

    My 3 girls (Isbars/Silverruds) are 6 months old and sooooooo sweet!!! They were very flighty and independent... not at all wanting to be touched. Then at about 5 months, the hormones kicked in, I guess, and they got so cuddly! Just gorgeous, gentle, still independent in a smart way, and so fun...
  3. Arbutus Peregrine

    Bantam breed that lay biggest egg

    When my bantam Cochins aren’t broody... they lay huge eggs with the biggest yolks!! It’s amazing. They come in at 1.5 oz! My Dutch and Rosecomb Bantams lay eggs between 0.95-1.16 ozs typically. The other day I couldn’t believe it when one of my Dutch laid a 1.34 oz egg. I watched her do it or I...
  4. Arbutus Peregrine

    Wildfires and smoke — hazardous air quality — Herbs for respiratory health?

    We are experiencing the worst air quality in the world today here in Portland, Oregon due to wildfires ... not something to brag about. My chickens are hanging in there and I’ve given them loads of extra trreats...but I’m wondering if there’s more I can do? Thinking about soaking herbs for...
  5. Arbutus Peregrine

    Narcolepsy in Chickens???

    Did you ever get an answer? And how’d she do? I have a FBCM pullet who is very similar to yours. I hope yours had a happy life🐓🐓🐓
  6. Arbutus Peregrine

    Official BYC Poll: Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

    What breed is Tiny? She looks like my Dutch bantams! They are lap-sitters, too!
  7. Arbutus Peregrine

    Official BYC Poll: Which aspect of keeping chickens do you enjoy the most?

    I got my chickens after not having dogs for a few years and really missing having a higher-maintenance pet. My cats are just way too easy! I couldn't commit to a dog at this point-- maybe in a few years I'll be ready-- so I got a bunch of Bantams July 2019. This Spring I got a bunch of Large...
  8. Arbutus Peregrine

    Barbu de Watermael Chickens

    I have a question about the temperament of this breed. I've had my Bantams a little over a year now and have found that some are definitely more aggressive and bossy than others. Because I keep them in a mixed flock and they are just pets, I don't want to get breeds that are going to feel...
  9. Arbutus Peregrine

    Tube Feeding Questions

    Do you have any video? I can search online too. Did you originally mean that I should tube feed the fluids? Thanks so much for your help! I’m heartened that the little guy seems to have responded positively to the tube feeding. I don’t want him to suffer. If it’s time to euthanize, I’m ready...
  10. Arbutus Peregrine

    Tube Feeding Questions

    I’ve only ever given sub q to horses, goats, dogs, cats...
  11. Arbutus Peregrine

    Tube Feeding Questions

    Should I be giving him subcutaneous fluids?
  12. Arbutus Peregrine

    Tube Feeding Questions

    How do I know when his crop is too full to feed him more? I've been skipping a feeding if his crop feels half-full. I'm scared of him aspirating.
  13. Arbutus Peregrine

    I have a 7 week old roo and unsure what to do.

    I've rehomed a lot of cockerels with Craigslist. Post a lot of photos--especially of you holding the cockerel. People want to get a friendly rooster. Tell a little story about him and personalize him in the ad. Give him a name if you don't have one yet. It is very hard to find good homes for...
  14. Arbutus Peregrine

    Tube Feeding Questions

    Hello :) I have a 13 week old FBCM cockerel with unknown medical issues. I took him to the vet and got no answers. I have an appointment at another vet July 6th... oof! How do I wait that long?! I learn the most and get all my best help on this here I go hoping for more. I...
  15. Arbutus Peregrine

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Here they are now at 12 weeks!
  16. Arbutus Peregrine

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    Here are my first Basque. I got five cockerels and two pullets. They develop very fast and are just as smart and friendly as reported! Sergio is on my head, Pancho (white one) on my shoulder, and the photo with just two is Bonnie and Betty White! Very happy with them💚
  17. Arbutus Peregrine

    Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

    I think the only variety in North America is Marraduna. It may turn out pure white. I hope more are imported to increase genetic diversity here. Yours is super cute!!
  18. Arbutus Peregrine

    Chicken Breed Focus - Rhodebar

    My Rhodebars are only 7 weeks old but I am IN LOVE! First time having this breed and they are incredibly friendly, confident and sweet. They love being held. They fly up to my shoulder when I go into the coop!
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