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  1. SapperSix2019

    Winter egg laying

    How on earth do you get them to lay golf balls? :)
  2. SapperSix2019

    Skunks can fit through what size hole?

    Wire mesh for the win !! Just wish it didn't cost so much. As for skunks, best if they can't get in, sucks to trap and deal with them even if you shoot them still nasty.
  3. SapperSix2019

    Comment by 'SapperSix2019' in article 'Three French Hens Coop'

    It's all nice and pretty till the chickens get in there and make a mess, you know because they are chickens after all :) Nice attention to detail on the coop and it should be perfect for 3 chickens. Only thing I can see you may want to add is wire mesh on the ground to keep the critters from...
  4. SapperSix2019

    Ended Halloween/Thanksgiving HAL Other Poultry Photo Contest

    Ok so what kind of Turkey is that? Very cool looking!!
  5. SapperSix2019

    Comment by 'SapperSix2019' in article 'The Pole Barn coop'

    Congrats on the nice new coop! And I thought I had lots of chickens, lol.
  6. SapperSix2019

    Comment by 'SapperSix2019' in article 'How To Clip Trim The Feather Wings Of Your Chicken To Prevent Flight'

    We clipped our (30) hens the other day and oh boy it takes a lot of energy! Have to catch them and they hate that, but its simple. And oh boy, do they calm down afterwards! They are all much better behaved now and more docile. Anyone else notice this change?
  7. SapperSix2019

    Free choice or not

    We always see mice in the barn. The animals never eat all the food and it seems the mice help to clean up what the chicks miss. Is that a problem? If so why?
  8. SapperSix2019

    Comment by 'SapperSix2019' in article 'Norwegian style chicken coop'

    I'm so happy with everything I saw, what a good idea for a build! What material are you using inside the hen house?
  9. SapperSix2019

    Chickens & Roosters for sale in IL

    UPDATE: About half the flock has been sold, still have hens and roosters for sale, get them while you can, and at a price that is much more reasonable than online hatchery's for 6 month old birds.
  10. SapperSix2019

    Chickens & Roosters for sale in IL

    Oh boy that is terrible!!!! Why I swear there are sure some low life people around.
  11. SapperSix2019

    Need a person to process Chicken and Turkey - Roxana, IL

    Does anyone know of a person that owns their own equipment and has experience to do this for us?
  12. SapperSix2019

    Review by 'SapperSix2019' in article 'Norwegian style chicken coop'

    You made a super chicken coop, love what you did with it. Thanks for taking the time to share the article and pictures.
  13. SapperSix2019

    Review by '' on item 'Chick-N-Nesting Box - 1492'

    We bought one and then made our own with the same dimensions. Much cheaper than buying them already built.
  14. SapperSix2019

    Review by '' on item '8 Gallon Capacity Plastic Dome Chicken Water'

    I have found that by cracking open the lid each day will fill the water bowl to the max, then I close the lid. Easy peasy. :)
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