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  1. CBorden77

    Siding material, ventilation, and other coop questions.

    Our coop is made with plywood. We get hot summers, cold winters, dry and humid seasons. The coop is at least seven years old and the painted plywood has held up just fine with no warping or separating. We inherited the coop when we moved here, so I assume exterior plywood was used, because...
  2. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    Yes. Quarantine makes sense - even if all my research didn’t talk about it - as a foster mom for stray cats and dogs, I know how important quarantine is for all animals. I just didn’t think a dog crate would be big enough for pullets. Considering the amount of space recommended for coops per...
  3. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    Thank you.
  4. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    Thank you. We have a huge dog crate that would be perfect for this set up you describe.
  5. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    I appreciate all the advice for the questions I asked. Thank you.
  6. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    Thanks. I am thinking of getting another Sex-link plus a Wyandotte (sp?). Though, bc my Red is such a great layer, my hubby wants more Reds. I am still researching breeds (laying, temperaments, and ability to handle crazy cold weather).
  7. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    I just had flashbacks to when I was little... my mom’s chickens hated me! I think I was five, and she always had me let them out of the run, and toss them her bread scraps. I don’t remember much except they’d chase me and pecked at my legs. Lol Anyway, now as an adult, I think they just...
  8. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    Okay... my vagueness has led to assumptions that I need to correct. My hens are not pulling feathers or harming each other. As far as I can tell, it is a pecking order situation, but my Austra also has a definite dislike with sharing food, so she tends to be more cranky with my Red and...
  9. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    Thank you. Not sure why my current ladies pick at each other. The coop itself is rather small, but they have a large covered run they have access to during the day, or if its warm enough they have the run of the property. The picking is not severe - and because I inherited the girls, I have...
  10. CBorden77

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Going further
  11. CBorden77


    Hi everyone! I am loving all the pics of winter across the state. Def a milder winter - at least so far up here in Libby. That wind storm knocked out a couple trees on my property and we were without power for 21 hours. Thankfully, it was a warmer night and day, so we did just fine. I find...
  12. CBorden77

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Right now
  13. CBorden77

    Aging layers... thinking pullets

    My three girls are aging, and we are wanting to add some egg layers to our clucker family. I know I don’t want chicks, so I am looking for pullets. That said, my hens are not sociable. Barely tolerate each other. I know existing cluckers can be really cruel to new additions, so would it be...
  14. CBorden77

    Adding heat to coop in winter?

    I am also in Montana (Northwest) and this is my first winter with chickens- the coop was built by the previous owner and has both a heat lamp and light. After reading much of the discussion, I think I want to remove both, and just keep the water warmer. But ... I use shavings in the coop, and...
  15. CBorden77

    Sudden Death

    Yes, there are vents up high near the eaves of the coop to allow for that.
  16. CBorden77

    Hi, I'm ChickenMan

  17. CBorden77


    Hi! and welcome!
  18. CBorden77

    Sudden Death

    I just got home (after dark) and went to check on my girls. I always do a head count before locking them up for the night. I realized one was missing so I opened up the coop and found one of my girls dead. There were no signs or symptoms at all. She was active, eating well, foraging with the...
  19. CBorden77

    I'm the worst squirrel ever

    I have never dried nuts/walnuts - so I can't say for certain, but I would think that even if you left the dehydrator off and just spread them out on the trays in the dehydrator for a few days drying naturally should work effectively, if your dehydrator is vented. (I have an old one that is...
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