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  1. RootandRoost

    Tapeworms and reasonable advice.

    I'm pretty sure I saw something like that in some of the poo. But, the Sweet PDZ coats the poop a bit and that leaves little white bits on the poop. I don't know which of my chickens pooped the "tapeworm" poops. They move around on the roost bars when they hear me coming. I wish my life was not...
  2. RootandRoost

    Tapeworms and reasonable advice.

    I have 30 chickens. I think they might have tapeworms. I'm familiar with tapeworms in cats and dogs and that is what I *think* I'm seeing. This may seem like an odd time for tapeworms, but we've been very warm overall here. Insects abound. I have read several threads here. (Thank you to...
  3. RootandRoost

    Silver Spangled Hamburg with feathered legs?

    Well...I guess the chick that died at 4 days old must have been the Silver Spangled Hamburg. This chick is colored so similarly to the SSH chicks. And the one who died seemed more gray. Her name is Dot. I guess I'll change it now. Dot just doesn't fit. I'll try for another Dot next time. I...
  4. RootandRoost

    Silver Spangled Hamburg with feathered legs?

    Is this a silver spangled Hamburg? She is very cute and fluffy. I ordered one, along with a Speckled Sussex, 2 EE, and 2 Green Queen from MPC. (One of the Green Queens died at 4 days and I suspect the other one is male. One of the EE died at 2 weeks. I’ve never had such a difficult time with...
  5. RootandRoost

    Suspected heat exhaustion, anything more I can do? Anything else it could be?

    @coach723 Thanks for you response! Lots of good info. I've done many of the things you've suggested and it certainly helps. We've got tarps up, fans going, trees in the chicken yard, lot of waterers sitting in shady areas. I'm watering down their pen. I've planted vining plants that climb...
  6. RootandRoost

    Suspected heat exhaustion, anything more I can do? Anything else it could be?

    This is an older thread, but I have a question or two. Has anyone found that Easter Eggers struggle with heat? ( I noticed that the chick in question in this thread is an EE) I'm in Oklahoma and we get hot here in the summer. We're at a heat index of 102 right now. I've had several varieties...
  7. RootandRoost

    Broody apartments for hens and chicks

    Yeah! Something like that. Do you have more pics? I was thinking the pen would be outdoors so the hens (and chicks) can be outside a bit and dust bathe. Thanks!
  8. RootandRoost

    Broody apartments for hens and chicks

    I'm in a situation (that I never want to be in again). I've had six broody hens this year. Normally I'll either let broodies set on our eggs OR purchase chicks for them and slip them under the hens at night. But, I've never had this many. Part of the problem is that I let the first broodies go...
  9. RootandRoost

    5 day old chick with severe cut

    I can't tell. I know it's bad enough. I brought him in and applied the antibiotic cream and took him back to his mom. They have a "broody box" they sleep in at night and it's inside a covered dog kennel they hang out in during the day. The problem is, it's on dirt and whatever is on the ground...
  10. RootandRoost

    5 day old chick with severe cut

    A healthy chick that hatched in our coop (the only one that hatched) has a horrible injury. It seems like his/her leg got caught and cut somehow. the cut is where the leg meets the body. Poor little thing is walking and limping and peeping. I tried to give it some cooked egg and it's not...
  11. RootandRoost

    Speckled Sussex, bandage and spraddle leg

    Thanks for your response. I was able to get the bandage off. The chick seems fine now. However, only half the chicks were able to be placed with their new moms. My "proven" momma hen had a hard time dealing with the 3 chicks she was given. She kept them warm overnight, but the chicks slipped out...
  12. RootandRoost

    Speckled Sussex, bandage and spraddle leg

    My 6 new chicks arrived today. One of them seems to possibly have spraddle leg...but, if so, it's very mild. I tried to use the bandaid method but got it on crooked. So, had to take it off which was very traumatic. It pulled her fluff horribly and some of it is still stuck to her leg. In the 3...
  13. RootandRoost

    Dark Cornish?

    Thanks! Hopefully just one lil roo. I already have two roosters and don't need another one. As it is we'll either find a home for this one (probably my neighbor who currently is roosterless) OR perhaps this will be the start of meat birds. Dark Cornish make good meat birds, right? The possible...
  14. RootandRoost

    Dark Cornish?

    5 week old chicks. Do these look like Dark Cornish? Perhaps one cockerel and one pullet?
  15. RootandRoost

    2 chicks from Atwoods

    Yes, it's that speckling that makes me think it's not EE or Welsummer (which was one in the bin). I've fine with Dark Cornish. I wanted to add some more blue/green egg layers to my flock of 25, but maybe next year. :) I LOVE your picture--the black cat and chicken! Oh, and I just found out the...
  16. RootandRoost

    2 chicks from Atwoods

    Thanks! Yeah...I still haven't figured it out. I doubt they are EE. I didn't pay attention because the store employee indicated that they were EE. It wasn't until I had them boxed up and ready that he admitted to the mix up, etc. I didn't even look at their legs until they came home. I just...
  17. RootandRoost

    2 chicks from Atwoods

    The only thing that was labeled...(as he was fumbling around and trying to put labels on things)...was Welsummer. These don't quite look like Welsummer chicks either. I have had an EE without a beard. But last year I grabbed 2 chicks out of a mixed bin thinking they were EE and one was an EE and...
  18. RootandRoost

    2 chicks from Atwoods

    I purchased these 2 last night to slip under a broody hen. She is very pleased with them so it doesn’t really matter what they are. Momma Hen is happy. however, I am curious. The man who oversees the chick area at the store said they are Easter Eggers.They were in a mixed bin. But as I was about...
  19. RootandRoost

    2 chicks from Atwoods

    I purchased these 2 last night to slip under a broody hen. She is very pleased with them so it doesn’t really matter what they are. Momma Hen is happy. however, I am curious. The man who oversees the chick area at the store said they are Easter Eggers.They were in a mixed bin. But as I was...
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