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  1. bigchunguschicken

    Chicken Feeders

    what level do you keep your feeder at
  2. bigchunguschicken

    Chicken Feeders

    Hello! What are some of the best chicken feeders that don't waste food. I have a trough feeder. Does that work? It seems like with my automatic chicken feeders that are just a bucket on a pan/dish, they just scratch the food out. Could I add something to that so they don't scratch the food out?
  3. bigchunguschicken

    Injured Chicken

    I have this chicken named Lucky who can't really walk. It is about 5 months old. I thought it had been eaten by a raccoon but I found it later in an upside down bucket. Long story. It was there for seven days and is alive eating and drinking and pooping well. It can stand up on its feet now and...
  4. bigchunguschicken

    Heat lamps

    Thank! I'll keep your advice in mind!
  5. bigchunguschicken

    Pigeon Hatchlings

    Thanks! The babies are so ugly and they are white for some reason but I'm sure they'll get cuter as they develop.
  6. bigchunguschicken

    Review by '' on item 'Muscovy'

    They are amazing animals. I leave mine outside and feed them a mix of corn, wheat, sunflower seeds, milo, and oats. They are beutiful ducks and are super quiet and alert. Cold hardy and can fly fairly well. I'm giving this review because they are amazing! FIVE STARS
  7. bigchunguschicken

    Chicks Pecking On One Chick

    When ever a cockeral pecks me or his fellow chick mates, I lightly kick him. For me it turns out that this helps for me. If all of them are pecking one, you need a bigger brooder or more secret hiding spots. You should always expect mild bullying though from some chicks. Some just don't learn.
  8. bigchunguschicken

    Heat lamps

    I have a non-insulated coop in 10 degree weather but there are about 30 chickens in there. Do I need a heat lamp for cold chickens just in case. I also have a molting chicken. Does she need a heat lamp in the coop just in case the weather gets really cold?
  9. bigchunguschicken

    Pigeon Hatchlings

    Hi, I have a carneau pigeon that just laid eggs and hatched them in mid-November in Kansas were it is about 20 degrees. Will the babies be okay?
  10. bigchunguschicken


    Thank you for the information. That could be it - they a a couple of years old.
  11. bigchunguschicken

    Begginer questions

    There about 3 years old and i'm located in northeast KS
  12. bigchunguschicken

    Begginer questions

  13. bigchunguschicken


    one of my chicks has eyes that are weird and sticking out of his head. He is healthy and eats, but sometimes is very clumbsy.
  14. bigchunguschicken


    Is it unusual for 18 hens to lay four eggs a day? Are they molting in late summer? Do i need to buy fake eggs to encourage them to lay?
  15. bigchunguschicken

    Begginer questions

    Thanks for the advice Shadrach, how do i do that. I not awesome with computers.
  16. bigchunguschicken

    Begginer questions

    Also, should I be placing fake eggs in the nest to encourage the hens to lay?
  17. bigchunguschicken

    Begginer questions

    Is it unusual to have 18 hens laying 4 eggs a day. Can they molt this bad in late summer. Help, my egg business is going to close!
  18. bigchunguschicken

    Begginer questions

    thank you! wow, so welcoming.
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