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  1. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    They are Ancona chicks (at least that’s what I ordered) the others are White WYANDOTTE and one Golden Polish
  2. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Good morning and thx for the coffee. I’d like to share the 5 new ladies in our flock. I just moved them out of the house and into the birdhouse! Still in a small pen so thru can get used to the adults and other birds. Enjoy the Java!
  3. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Good morning Flock I brought a pot of hot Coffee. Enjoy! As Passover starts tonight I'd like to share that part of the whole Seder/Festive meal set up, Eggs have a major role. It all about the life cycle and Spring cleaning and renewal of life. We serve eggs in a few forms and highlight them...
  4. drmolarmagic

    When Should an Automatic Coop Door Close? Are my chickens night owls?

    I last posted on this thread 6 months ago and I still have chickens that like to stay out past sundown. A few seem to enjoy the after hours in the run. So I still maintain that the automatic door I control from my phone or Alexa is the best option. Even if I’m away for a few days. I open the...
  5. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    THIS IS SOOOO TRUE!!!!! thx
  6. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Good Moring Flock Happy almost Friday. I brought a pot of coffee to share. Hope everyone's Valentines Day was fun, I came home to find one of our oldest pigeon couples back together in a new nesting location in the aviary. They had separated and then the female lost the nest and they have been...
  7. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Good Morning flock, I brought some hot coffee to share. Its up to 2 inches of snow here and roads are slippery.....3 staff members called out due to driving conditions. patients cancelling left and right. Opened the bird house and the girls came out and walked around and went right back...
  8. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    They're predicting winter weather here in NY starting tonight. depending on which channel you listen to we are either getting just rain or 10 inches of snow.....Its just wait and see I guess. Have a safe and good day flock....
  9. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Good Morning flock, I brought a pot of Hot coffee to share, enjoy. Very sunny here but a bit chilly.
  10. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    outside thermometer reads 10 degrees so the flock will be staying inside the coop today,,,,,its 23 degrees in there.
  11. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Hello Flock......Brrrrrrr its cold everywhere. I think I'll stand in the coffee today to warm up.....
  12. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Coffee is essential ...
  13. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Wind was CRAZY last night, woke up to plants everywhere, my garbage cans were in my neighbor's driveway, and all the yard chair were over was loud and strong! The house is still at the right address and there is no yellow brick road in front so I guess we're ok....:lol:
  14. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Happy Monday Flock....What a storm last night here....60 mph winds and buckets of rain.... at 3am checked cameras and all the birds were just perched and sleeping calmly.....3 rabbits were snuggled in their hutches and one was outside watching the rain. ..they clearly handled it well. I brought...
  15. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Good morning flock, 37 degrees here. thanks for the coffee
  16. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Happy almost Friday Flock, thanks for the coffee! enjoy the day ......
  17. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    I would recommend the single origin Peru decaf from a company named Ground & Hounds, the coffee great and every purchase helps save shelter dogs. I'm on auto ship and get 2 bags every 2 months. Other one I recommend is the Shade grown decaf from the Arbor Day Foundation. This is the coffee...
  18. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Helloooo Flock.....I know the world is rough and there are a lot of bad things going on around us, but lets take the time to be Thankful for all the small stuff we are privileged to have, our animals, Friends (both online and in person) and Family (most of them). And of course Coffee (and Tea)...
  19. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Yup it just got here........
  20. drmolarmagic

    Coffee Club

    Yup rain supposed to start here this afternoon, thanks for the Coffee. Alexa keeps telling me about costal flood warnings for my area.
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