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  1. Fatimetta

    Bad Legs - can I help?

    Warning: graphic photos
  2. Fatimetta

    Bad Legs - can I help?

    —sensitive topic— Hello! I had a couple chicks hatch yesterday. One took an extremely long time to zip, but eventually hatched on his own. He’s been very weak the entire time but I left him in the incubator to rest. Unfortunately, the healthy chick took it upon himself to start eating the weak...
  3. Fatimetta

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    So sorry! :( how did it get in the basement?!
  4. Fatimetta

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Okay, thank you! I hardly ever catch them rocking so was curious! I opened the bator to take out the turner and adjust the humidity but now they are locked in until hatch day :)
  5. Fatimetta

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    My eggs went into lockdown just now! A couple are rocking already! How soon do they typically hatch after rocking in your experience?
  6. Fatimetta

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    My eggies have one week left! Candled yesterday and 6 of 7 looked good! The seventh was a clear so I removed it. Hoping the 2 that looked very developed last week was just my eyes and that they hatch when the others do and not early!
  7. Fatimetta

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Looove all the baby pics 🤩 How are ducklings so cute?! Today is “Day 7” for my eggs so I candled and to my surprise, two are wayyy more developed. I’m thinking they are around day 14 or more. Not sure what to do since I only have my tiny brinsea incubator :0 any advice?! It would be a...
  8. Fatimetta

    June 2023 Hatch-a-long

    Hi guys! I’ll be hatching in June too! My first hatch since last year :) I picked up seven eggs from a local person. I asked why type they might be and they said they’re all a mix so I’m excited to see what kind of chicks and colors pop out! They should be due around the 15th. :)
  9. Fatimetta

    Hands on hatching and help

    I candled and didn't see her moving at all. I made the safety hole, and then she started moving very faintly. So she is back in the incubator now. All chicks are she until proven otherwise. 😂
  10. Fatimetta

    Hands on hatching and help

    Thank you! I think I will candle right now and make the safety hole if she is alive.
  11. Fatimetta

    Hands on hatching and help

    Yep, I just read through it last night. So about 18 hours ago, I candled it and saw it's heart beating and heard it chirp. However, I didn't see anything that looked like the internal pip from that article, so I'm not sure that has even made it that far yet.
  12. Fatimetta

    Hands on hatching and help

    Last night I heard a little chirp, but nothing today. Sometimes I swear I see it wiggle, but that could just be my eyes.
  13. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Thank you for that article! Super helpful! I don't think it has internally pipped yet as I didn't see the "triangle" shadow it talked about. Hopefully it will hatch. :fl
  14. Fatimetta

    Hands on hatching and help

    Thank you! There is no external pip, and even when I viewed last night, I didn't see an internal pip either by candling. Hoping it will hatch, but still worried.
  15. Fatimetta

    Hands on hatching and help

    Hello! Posting for some advice here! I had three Serama eggs in my incubator and on day 19 had two pip and hatch. Today is day 20 and I took the two hatched ones out and candled the third egg. At first I didn’t see any movement, but after a bit it started moving and very quietly chirping. I’m...
  16. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Hey guys! I need a little help! The first two seramas hatched yesterday so I opened the bator to get them in the brooder. I decided to candle the third egg that hasn’t pipped yet and I can see it’s heart beating and it’s alive in there… I know assisting isn’t the greatest… but if I were to...
  17. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    One of mine hatched last night and the other at 1 this morning! Two lil Serama babies! There is a third egg who looked great when I candled, but hasn't pipped yet. Little worried about that one, but check out the cuties!
  18. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I loooove babies pics with mama hens! It makes them looks so much smaller and fluffier! Adorbs!
  19. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I've got two pipped just now! Hopefully the third will go soon too! It's only Day 19 though! I just put them into lockdown last night!:eek:
  20. Fatimetta

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    My brain isn't working this morning- eggs go into lockdown on Day 18 right?
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