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  1. G

    Stupid question - do chickens get ticks?

    Mg hubby jealous too!
  2. G

    Are these mites or lice?

    No to diatomaceous earth according to the article above! Its a carcinogen to both chooks and humans, lung, and reportedly doesnt work. Theres a list in the article which products work and she highly encourages constant access to sand for dust baths. I have 2 bins in my big run so even in the...
  3. G

    Is it right to give a dog away for killing 1 chicken and injuring 2

    Well said Aina. Yes you don't want to be mad at the dog often, and the chickens deserve safety. Both species are important. Please heed Ainas advice.
  4. G

    Can the color of egg a hen is laying change over time?

    My little bantam Wyandotte, Peppermint, always layed a small white egg. She's now 4.5 yrs old, getting thru a cold winter, and after several mos of not laying (typical in winter in NH) at my place, here's what Im seeing: After seeing her sitting (prolonged) in the nesting box, hours later when...
  5. G

    Egg Bound Bantam Polish

    So sorry about your little girl Lucky. I hope thats not an awfully painful condition for a hen to die from. Did she seem to be in discomfort? Would you have considered taking her to a vet if someone had suggested it? We have exotic animal vets (all women!) 1/2 hr from us. Fortunate. They are...
  6. G

    Chickens not using coop to roost at night.

    Nice coop! Don't know your climate, but if gets below freezing in winter, suggest insulation with plastic sheeting over it? Sure helps keep out those relentless winter winds in nh! I've got to make a lower roosting area for my gang as they're aging and 2 w bad eyesight who wait for me to take...
  7. G

    Tony Roo is a gorgeous boy! Love him. Kind eyes❤

    Tony Roo is a gorgeous boy! Love him. Kind eyes❤
  8. G

    Help choosing a flock to manage..

    Oh yes I meant to share that. You can take the eggs and make sure they don't brood on the eggs. That's hard too cuz it seems to mean alot to the hens to sit and brood. Can be done tho.
  9. G

    Help choosing a flock to manage..

    I recommend no rooster because you will have baby roosters born and have to face the gut wrenching experience of watching 1-them gang rape your hens 2- the young alpha rooster bully, run off the property, and eventually mortally wound the other boys (my experience: fractured pelvis, broken neck...
  10. G

    One piece of advice for a newbie?

    Read up immediately on predators of chickens and all their techniques. Discover the weakest link in your system and fix it fast. If you do build a more substantial coop, I recommend a cement or patio block floor so rodents can't burrow in. Welcome to the site and to chicken keeping. They are...
  11. G

    Will Soybeans Lower Testosterone in Roosters?

    What about flax seeds? I read they are 3x more estrogen like hormones than soybeans. Wonder if could help. My head boy abusive to other roosters. Want to make him much less aggrssive. Has already led to death of 2 others. My vet tried Lupron implants last year. No appreciable effect.
  12. G

    New England Chickens

    I shovel an area outside of their covered run, about 8x8'. Then lay hay or straw on it (used stuff is great) and they have a blast scratching and pecking around. It took just a short time the first year to get used to it. They always have the option to go in when they want. Its cold in NH!
  13. G

    Grass-less Dirty Chicken Run

    Very sensible and logical advice! "And I love them all".
  14. G

    Grass-less Dirty Chicken Run

    They do not eat our mint here in NH. Must not like it cuz they aren't shy bout nibbling what they like.
  15. G

    Grass-less Dirty Chicken Run

    But they don't have a nasty smell!😄
  16. G

    Grass-less Dirty Chicken Run

    Yeah move the ground around for them. They love when you dig up the ground for they'll look for worms and bugs and theyll love you!
  17. G

    Grass-less Dirty Chicken Run

    It shouldn't stink. When our neighbors sent the town code enforcement officer to see us cuz they didn't like our roosters😾, he said this is the first coop he's been around that doesn't smell bad. All I do is pick up the poop every morning with tongs, spread out more pine shavings and...
  18. G

    Rooster with a Swollen Eye

    Poor fellow. Can u bring him to the vet?
  19. G

    Hen sits in coop all day and won't lay

    My first thought is, is she getting enough crushed egg shells or oyster shells for calcium replacement to make new egg shells?
  20. G

    If I hatch another rooster how do I find someone to rehome him?

    Don't hatch any eggs because half will be boys and there are already too many poor boys without a kind home. Even if you do find a home on craigslist, etc. I'm told cockfighting troll that site for their cruel painful sport. Best to practice prevention as we were told to do with dogs and cats.
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