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  • Users: RichL
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  1. RichL

    I need supplement duckling food

    For a short term substitute, cut oats, not the instant kind. All grocery stores have it in a round tube like container for $3-$4. If you have access to a multi vitamin with niacin crush it into powder and add 1 per 8oz of oats.
  2. RichL

    Does my duck coop need windows?

    I think, a double layer is great, since it is already there. Just that much more protection from a stronger predator like a determined racoon.
  3. RichL

    New Ducks, New Issues, any ideas?

    Just one man's opinion here; Mamma's only interaction with humans has been chased netted and generally mistreated. A huge investment in time will be needed to turn her opinion around. I would spend at least 30 min 3 to 4 times a day with her, more if possible. Just sit quietly with her offering...
  4. RichL

    Help!! Ducklings won’t come in at night

    I am only just now seeing this, I used a handful of frozen peas to encourage my ducks in to their hutch each evening. In a few days, when they heard the sound of the bag being shaken they would race to be first to get the treat. Now 2 years later they just go in every evening out of habit...
  5. RichL

    Stinky ducklings

    Babies are the worst little poopers! I line my brooder with puppy pee pads. I leave one end uncovered and the food and water is at that end of my brooder. I put a 3-4 inch deep layer of "Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding" through out the rest of the brooder. The first day they may try...
  6. RichL

    Please help with our duck house!!

    Hi, Your duck would like grass, BUT, they will eat it all and then you will be left with a mud hole. So pea gravel might be better. Also they can pick through it for grit they need for their crop. If you can get a piece of Astro turf type material to put on the concrete it will be better for...
  7. RichL

    help, advice needed, fox attack midday.

    I am only just now seeing this. All I can offer is; I had a female Peeking injured by a raccoon that grabbed her leg through the fence one evening. My duck wasn't able to use her leg for nearly a year. She now limps a little but manages to flap her wings to keep up with the rest of her flock...
  8. RichL

    Wild duck nest, water isn't close.

    My domestic ducks love it when I mist them with the hose and they will often just sit out in the rain, rather than go inside the nice dry hutch I made for them. So, try to stay 10-12 foot away if possible and water the saplings daily. If you happen to splash mama it won't hurt her or the eggs...
  9. RichL

    Coop for just 3 pet ducks?

    Hi again, yes, the large diameter does make for quick draining. The water can get gross so you could keep some kitchen gloves with it. But I am usually going to hose it out and give it a quick scrub, so I wash my hands with the fresh water. When I'm done I just hang the hose and brush in my shed...
  10. RichL

    Coop for just 3 pet ducks?

    I was at Lowes and wanted the cheapest hose available to drain the kiddie pool. I was thinking about cutting a hole in the bottom and installing a bathtub drain when I spotted this: I think I paid $3.99. I submerge the entire hose in the dirty pool until the hose is full of water. I hold the...
  11. RichL

    Coop for just 3 pet ducks?

    "First of all, do you still have a Ducks? Are you glad you kept them? Does your daughter still play with them? Is it a lot of work? I was looking at your set up and I think it could really work for me. Do you still keep them in the kennel inside of you Hannah would? I have the words in my...
  12. RichL

    How to get your ducks to like you?!?

    Hi, I too want to share my condolences. All of the things you thought of are great. The more time you spend with them, the more they will trust you. Allow the ducklings to climb into your lap and let them fall asleep. Feed them treats like meal-worms and peas, but not too much. Every hour you...
  13. RichL

    Best duck feed?

    Hi, Farmers have been raising water fowl in the UK for centuries. Stop by the local feed store and see what they recommend. I happen to use Purina Layer Crumbles and my duck prefer it over everything except peas and worms. I mix a cup of brewers yeast into every 25Lbs bag. I start the babies on...
  14. RichL

    Varmit stealing eggs

    Hi, If you are done with duck, please just post them on Craig's List, Letgo or some other social media outlet. A few picks with a title like "Free Ducks, good egg producers" should do the trick. As far as the predator goes, Mink, Ferret,Ermine, Polecat or Weasel, they are all carnivores and...
  15. RichL

    Coop for just 3 pet ducks?

    Pallets are the wooden platforms goods are loaded onto when trucks deliver food and other goods. They are often made of hard-woods like oak in the east and redwood in the west. You can often get them for free just by asking at grocers and home centers. Just drive behind the store to see if they...
  16. RichL

    Coop for just 3 pet ducks?

    Hi Suzyq16, I was in the exact same position as you are in last year. You can read the article I posted then, here: Also, there are pictures included of my ducks and their coop (home)...
  17. RichL

    I have no idea what I am doing

    LOL, Yes, Now that you mention it. I was born in MI and I vaguely recall being chased by Canadian geese and being bitten. I have been in FL now for over 30 years and my ducks only show love. I just wen out this morning to let them out of the hutch, into their run ad they where literally jumping...
  18. RichL

    New babies, help bonding

    It has been a week, any new photos of the babies? I bet they are double in size by now.
  19. RichL

    I have no idea what I am doing

    I agree, they get pretty aggressive when trying to get all the peas from my hand before the other birds. At least it doesn't hurt, unless they are biting my toes, that is,
  20. RichL

    I have no idea what I am doing

    Hi Steve, I'm new here but I may have some insight on this topic. I have 3 juveniles that we are keeping as pets. The story of how we got ducks is in thread " I keep asking myself. How did this happen? The cost of ducks" To get back on topic, I let our ducks free range in the yard all day and...
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