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  1. ducklady789

    HELP!!!! Week Old Toulouse Gosling Seizures/Spasms

    He was doing a little better by 3am. When I woke up at 7am he was still alive. I checked again at 8 though and he had passed.
  2. ducklady789

    HELP!!!! Week Old Toulouse Gosling Seizures/Spasms

    I will give it a try. Thank you so much for all your help!
  3. ducklady789

    HELP!!!! Week Old Toulouse Gosling Seizures/Spasms

    Yeah, I have those experiences as well. When that happens it just sucks, to be honest. :hmm I guess I just always hope that there is something I can do. I haven't seen him poop since I have been sitting with him. However, I did check his vent and looked clear. There was nothing that was visibly...
  4. ducklady789

    Hello Fellow Bird Lovers!

    Hi guys! So I actually do not have chickens currently, but I have owned them in the past. I am mainly a waterfowl kind of person. (I have nothing against chickens :D) I have been into waterfowl ever since I was really little my mom always had ducks on our pond while I was growing up. When I was...
  5. ducklady789

    HELP!!!! Week Old Toulouse Gosling Seizures/Spasms

    Hi friends. So I have a big problem. I have a buff Toulouse gosling who is about a week old. Earlier today he was just fine. He was with the other babies and they were all doing great. However, I went to check on them and I found him on its back. I picked him up and he flipped back onto his...
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