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  1. undergroundchickens

    UPDATE!!! Now pooping blood that smells awful! Hen loosing weight, comb fell over and pale, letharg

    In case anyone has the same symptoms as this bird and nothing seems to help I wanted to post results. I sent my bird in for a necropsy and the results are that my flock has Avian Lymphoid Leukosis. The doctor said all my birds are likely infected and it is just a matter of time that they...
  2. undergroundchickens

    UPDATE!!! Now pooping blood that smells awful! Hen loosing weight, comb fell over and pale, letharg

    I went out to check her when I got home today and found her on her side eyes closed. I picked her up and she just opened her eyes and made some little sounds. I went in to tell my husband we needed to put her out of her misery. As I was holding her she went into a seizure type thing and died...
  3. undergroundchickens

    UPDATE!!! Now pooping blood that smells awful! Hen loosing weight, comb fell over and pale, letharg

    Thank you for your help. I put Corid in the girls water yesterday. Sure hoping she pulls through. I will go out and check her for vent gleet as well. Thanks again. :)
  4. undergroundchickens

    UPDATE!!! Now pooping blood that smells awful! Hen loosing weight, comb fell over and pale, letharg

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She is a French Maran (Black) around 2 years old. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. I noticed she didn't seem as peppy as usual the past few weeks but I just figured it was the heat as...
  5. undergroundchickens

    Where do we mail dead birds for autopsy/diagnosis.....

    Where do we mail deceased birds for autopsy or whatever they do to find out what is making them sick to the point we have to put them down? I live in Utah and need to figure out what is slowly killing my little flock and how to treat my future sick birds. Thanks for any help. We just had to...
  6. undergroundchickens

    What is wrong? 2 dead and another on her way out?

    Update. I started her back on a HEAVY dose of Sulmet (she was 3.8 lbs and I gave her dosing for a 5 lb hen) and she was doing a little better the next day. I gave her this for 7 days and she is back to her old self minus some weight. I am now trying to reintroduce her to the flock and fatten...
  7. undergroundchickens

    What is wrong? 2 dead and another on her way out?

    I have lost two chickens and another one is looking pretty bad. Here is what has been going on in hopes someone will have an idea as to what is wrong. I had a hen that I posted about previously at this link. Click here. She started out not being able to use her leg. This progressed over...
  8. undergroundchickens

    POLL: Legal Limits

    My city allows for no chickens unless you are on a one acre lot (New ordinanace as before they were not legal at all). I think about 4 homes qualify under these guidelines. I have 8 hens and live on a little over a quarter acre. I figure it is my land and I will do as I wish as long as it...
  9. undergroundchickens

    Blue Ameraucana 5.5 weeks-boy?

    Just wanted to update this post. This chick ended up being a hen. Don't get rid of your chicks until they crow or lay and egg.
  10. undergroundchickens

    Limping hen update Should I keep trying to help or end her suffering?

    I updated in the first post. Sorry. New Update. I had to put this chicken down. She quit eating and could not move around. I did find a lump on her after she died on her waddle. Wondering if it was cancer of some sort. RIP Roxy. UPDATE: 8/11/11 I wanted to update what is going on with...
  11. undergroundchickens

    Agressive hen on hen mounting? How to stop this?

    I have 10 hens and am starting to see some behavior problems. I have several hens that will aggresivley mount other hens. These hens that are constantly mounted are loosing feathers and getting bald spots on the back of their heads as well as one loosing feathers on her back. These are all...
  12. undergroundchickens

    Safe spray to kill aphids around my chicken coop

    I use seven liquid spray on my fruit trees just outside my coop. I don't let re girls out to freerange until the spray is dry. I figure if people use the dust for mite control the liquid shouldn't hurt them either when dry.
  13. undergroundchickens

    Limping hen update Should I keep trying to help or end her suffering?

    Thanks for all of the replys. I will try soaking her legs in epsomsalt baths and keep her from jumping. I will also try the vitamin B mentioned. I sure appreciate your guidance. Hope she gets better.
  14. undergroundchickens

    Limping hen update Should I keep trying to help or end her suffering?

    I can do that. We are usually outside with them in the evenings and I can easily place her on her perch and I wake up about the same time the chickens do. I will try that for a week or so and see how it goes. Thanks!
  15. undergroundchickens

    Limping hen update Should I keep trying to help or end her suffering?

    UPDATE: 8/11/11 I wanted to update what is going on with my chicken. I tried wrapping her hurt leg for about 3 weeks in hopes that if it was broken it would heal. Good news is the sore that she had in the pictures below has healed up. Bad news is she is in worse shape than she was before...
  16. undergroundchickens

    Sick Chicken with mint green poop?? (video/pic). Please help.

    Thank you for the information Kitty Kat. I treated all my chickens with Sulmet for 3 days. Princess is back to her old self for now. I hope she stays that way.
  17. undergroundchickens

    Sick Chicken with mint green poop?? (video/pic). Please help.

    I also found this link related to a sick chicken with the same fecal issue. Could it be something like this? Kitty Cat....have you tried Sulmet on your hens that were sick?
  18. undergroundchickens

    Sick Chicken with mint green poop?? (video/pic). Please help.

    There isn't any free floating algae in the pond. The chickens have been sneaking over to my husbands dog dishes that they can reach through the fence and they do have free floating algae in them quite often. If it is the algae what can I do to make her better? I will make my husband move his...
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