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  1. Melbeforeyou

    Chicken math prevailed!

    gotcha ;)
  2. Melbeforeyou

    Comment by 'Melbeforeyou' in article 'How To Clip Trim The Feather Wings Of Your Chicken To Prevent Flight'

    no clipping wings on any bird does not hurt them, feels a lot like when you get your hair cut (nothing at all). .. oops someone already said that haha. As long as you dont clip the blood quills in the feather you are fine.
  3. Melbeforeyou

    Comment by 'Melbeforeyou' in article 'How To Clip Trim The Feather Wings Of Your Chicken To Prevent Flight'

    Yes you can, as a matter of fact a lot of people do to keep them on the property or in an enclosure.
  4. Melbeforeyou

    Chicken Whisperer

    Chicken Whisperer
  5. Melbeforeyou

    Chicken math prevailed!

    Why would you cull them? I have had "meat birds" as pets, and they turned out to be the best pet chickens there was, along with being a good extra large egg layer.
  6. Melbeforeyou

    Any help guessing breed and sex? part 2

    It seems that you have a pretty common group here, imo i see buff orps, rir, maybe a wyndott or 2 a polish or may be a Cream crested legbar, a barred rock or plymoth barred. But, I am surely not the breed specialist here haha.
  7. Melbeforeyou

    Any help guessing breed and sex? part 2

    They are not that rare here, they have them at the poultry auction all the time, place is swimming with Araucana :)
  8. Melbeforeyou

    Taking a Chicken for a Walk

    Oh OK interesting i'll take a look thanks :)
  9. Melbeforeyou

    Taking a Chicken for a Walk

    So you are training therapy birds? :)
  10. Melbeforeyou

    Prolapsed Drake Penis, I think (pics)

    It almost looks like a parasite. Definitely gross that is for sure.
  11. Melbeforeyou

    Prolapsed Drake Penis, I think (pics)

    I'll be honest here, I have no idea what that is. It almost looks like a sac of blood and/or puss and blood, but I am no vet, but it looks like just a growth of infection. Again not sure. And i don't blame you for not wanting to mess with it anymore. But i would give it a few days, if it doesn't...
  12. Melbeforeyou

    Taking a Chicken for a Walk

    I thought i saw the game in him. :)
  13. Melbeforeyou

    Taking a Chicken for a Walk

    Interesting. I guess i never really had a "special technique" when it comes to training chickens, they just seem to want to do it. I have either gotten lucky with the birds i have trained or, i just have a special bond with them in general. I do know that the people at the poultry auction call...
  14. Melbeforeyou

    Taking a Chicken for a Walk

    Wow he has a very good recall :) and his name is Tap? :) cute. Well you got yourself a good chicken :) how old is he btw? and what breed is he?
  15. Melbeforeyou

    Taking a Chicken for a Walk

    Well i wish you the best of luck :) sometimes at home things are a bit more relaxed and easier to handle. However, unless your chicken has a bond with you, following you in a public place and staying with you is a little more hectic. When i first started taking Snowflake out in public he did...
  16. Melbeforeyou

    Prolapsed Drake Penis, I think (pics)

    Well, if he was she, then this problem wouldn't exist :) but i hope that all goes OK, and that he gets better. :)
  17. Melbeforeyou

    2 roosters dead

    Yes that is a great recommendation. :)
  18. Melbeforeyou

    2 roosters dead

    Them work wonders against most predators, however if a snake can get under your coop, that will not keep them safe. The best thing to do in that circumstance is if you have a raised coop, i suggest you put tin guards around the bottom to keep snakes out. A snake can fit into anything they can...
  19. Melbeforeyou

    2 roosters dead

    If you free range your chickens, the best thing to do is start feeding them in the evening time before dark so they can eat it, But it will help get them in the coop at night. Unless they can fly and roost in trees its not suggested you leave them out at night under any kind of circumstance (and...
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