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  1. TwentyOneChickens

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest - Funny poultry faces and poses

    I'm sending this one in as a tribute to Ethel, who we had to dispatch due to Sour Crop.
  2. TwentyOneChickens

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest - What is Your Hobby?

    Hobby #3: (I have around 5 hobbies so I'm just going to post the ones that are most significant to my life.) I loveeee art/drawing! Recently I've been really into digital art. I use a program called "FireAlpaca" (anybody ever heard of that?) and I am currently trying to find sites to share my...
  3. TwentyOneChickens

    Ended Official BYC Mini Contest - What is Your Hobby?

    Hobby #2: I am a writer. I have around ten book drafts, but it is currently NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I am getting near the end of my first 30,000 word novel! It all started when I was around 8 years old. I remember one evening when I had the oddest urge... I felt like...
  4. TwentyOneChickens

    Call ducks?

    Thank you everybody! :thumbsup
  5. TwentyOneChickens

    Call ducks?

    Hiya, so I am a chicken owner looking into getting ducks in the next few years. I’ve heard that Call ducks are a good breed, but I know almost nothing about them. What are they for? (Meat, eggs, neither?) How do they behave? If I put them in our garden, would they eat all the plants? Thank you...
  6. TwentyOneChickens

    Hens going thru Sex Change?

    As everybody else has said, pullets don’t turn into cockerels. I have something similar in my flock though, I have a hen (she lays eggs) who has spurs and sometimes mounts on the other chickens. As for the crowing, I just believe your cockerel is a late bloomer. Photos would also help. :)
  7. TwentyOneChickens

    Look what we caught in our trap....

    Aaaa it’s so cuteee!
  8. TwentyOneChickens

    New chick to BYC!

    Hiya, welcome to BYC! We’re glad to have you here. :welcome Make yourself at home here, and good luck with your flock! :jumpy
  9. TwentyOneChickens

    Comment by 'TwentyOneChickens' in article 'Common Rooster Myths - Clearing Up Rooster Misinformation'

    I learned so much from this, great job! Eek I love the Ayam Cemani roo in the first photo :eek:
  10. TwentyOneChickens

    Strange poop...ughhh

    Pretty, pretty sure it’s worms. :( Edit: This has already been answered haha.
  11. TwentyOneChickens

    Ended Halloween/Thanksgiving HAL Other Poultry Photo Contest

    I have always wanted an ayam cemani!!! How much did she cost? :drool
  12. TwentyOneChickens

    Aw they share my birthday!

    Aw they share my birthday!
  13. TwentyOneChickens

    My chickens don’t like when I pick them up

    Yes, that is indeed true! I have seen them come and go over the fence as they please, but it’s no big deal. I let them free range almost every day, and when they escape (maybe once every 4 months) I get them back inside soon. :)
  14. TwentyOneChickens

    The reason I am keeping chickens!

    Welcome to BYC! We’re glad to have you here! :welcome That is a wonderful story, I really enjoyed reading it. Hope to hear more from you soon, and good luck!
  15. TwentyOneChickens

    Keeping Chickens in Cold

    I wouldn’t recommend keeping only 2 chickens anyway since they are social animals, let alone in the winter. Chickens are cold hardy, but I would definitely keep at least 4, especially during the winter. There is no “minimum” but I definitely recommend keeping more.
  16. TwentyOneChickens

    My chickens don’t like when I pick them up

    Just spend time with them. That’s what worked for me, and they became tame much older. Try sitting with them in the coop or run. Let them get acclimated. :thumbsup edit: I will share a short story with you from what happened today - I went a few days without seeing my girls (parents took care...
  17. TwentyOneChickens

    Sorry for the inactivity -- NaNoWriMo this year is crazy!

    Sorry for the inactivity -- NaNoWriMo this year is crazy!
  18. TwentyOneChickens

    Feather Loss - Molt? Mites?

    My hens are around 1 year and 7 months old and they haven’t had an adult molt yet :idunno
  19. TwentyOneChickens

    Feather Loss - Molt? Mites?

    Pretty sure it’s just heavy molting, if there’s any other symptoms, let us know! :thumbsup
  20. TwentyOneChickens

    Roosters vs Hawk Yesterday

    I haven't seen any hawks until this year. A few days ago I had to scare one away that was perching on our roof. :oops:
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