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  1. E

    Chicken wants to set on her clutch all time

    Hello, One of my young hens (Speckled Sussex, from 2023) began to sit constantly in the place where she laid her eggs. He goes out for a while to eat, walks for a short time and immediately returns. Looks healthy. Maybe this is an instinct to take care about clutch of eggs? What to do...
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello, My chickens are living and doing great. Their characters and their behavior are different, but they live very friendly. In winter they pecked each other's eggs every day. Now, finally, they don’t do this. Only the young ones sometimes stab their own. Thanks for your advice about golf...
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    Old hens peck and eat eggs of yang generation

    Thanks for very useful tips. Feeding with scratch will be stopped. I will add shells only, not change often. Yang is grammatical mistake. I talked about YOUNG hen, because I have 2 generations.
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    Old hens peck and eat eggs of yang generation

    I use Layena Layer pellets. They get 8 -10 oz scratch daily, as sweets. She eats eggs with very thin damaged shells, that she lays herself She breaks thin shells and eats eggs from yang chickens. One more question for you. Should I change the shells in their plate daily or 2-3 times a week?
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    Old hens peck and eat eggs of yang generation

    I have 2 generations of chickens in my coop. Araucana (2), Black Orpington ( 1) from April 2021 and French Copper Maran (3), Speckeld Sussex (2) from May 2023. I feed them Purina original, Dumor 5 grain scratch, and they have enough Ouster shells . One of them, large, very fat ( Black Orpington)...
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    Temperature and food

    Hello, My questions: At what temperature should I close the chicken coop for night? Quick change of food is stressful, birds don’t eat, refusal of food, even have diarrhea. How can I smoothly change chickens frood? How to change ventilation in a small chicken coop? It has a window. Need to...
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    Temperature and food

    My chickens are around 10 months old. Ingridients of food: Purina - Protein 20%, No antibiotics/ hormones'. Nutriena Feather fixes ( From Nature Wise) - Protein 18%, no information about hormones and other ingredients. Molting process continues 3 weeks and became more active. Chickens eat less...
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    Temperature and food

    I have only 3 hens. I live in MA. Coop has size for growing 6 - 10 hens. Hight layer of bedding, Drinking bowl with electric heater to keep the water from freezing. Ceramic lamp 4 inches for heating . When T is lower than 32F, I close coop for night. Chickens don’t come from coop, if T is 32 -...
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    Laying eggs on roost, pecking, eating eggs

    Thanks a lot. You are really right. Old chickens had high stress. One of them walked only far from others, set under coop, didn't lay eggs, almost stopped to eat, and died. Your advice about color of comb is very useful for me.
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    Lame chicken

    Thanks a lot. I did all, that you advised. The chicken was isolated, did not jump up or out from coop. She had a separate, fenced-off area for walking in the shade. The weather was very hot (80 - 90 F). After a few weeks she tried to be at far corner of her area, lead down, ate and drank...
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    Laying eggs on roost, pecking, eating eggs

    I have 5 chickens, no roosters. Got two chicks Ameraukana, Golden Wyandotte - ( age 1 week) on April, 2019. Three hybrids, (don't know breeds one - black, two - looks like Amerucana) - ( age 6 weeks) on May, 2020. Coop - 7ft x 9 ft, with window. Food: Layena or Purina (16 - 18 %...
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    Lame chicken

    She doesn’t have open wounds. Jumps out from hoop on one leg ( height 1.5 ft ) for food and water. Leg looks like straightened stick. When touched, she feels and jerks the leg.
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    Laying eggs on roost, pecking, eating eggs

    I have only 5 chickens in small coop. I added 3 young ones (8 weeks) to the 2 old ones ( 1.5 year). One of young began to lay eggs on the roost. The hens began to peck at them. She stopped laying eggs. What to do?
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    Lame chicken

    My chicken is a year and a half. She limps badly, cannot stand on her sore leg, moves very hard . Can I help her without a veterinarian?
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    Chickens stopped to lay eggs on winter

    I have 6 chickens ( Araucana and Rhode Island Red) in small hoop. Have heater lamp ( t inside isn't lower 3C) and water bowel with heater. Chicken like to walk outside every day. After t became lower 0 C, Rhode Island Red stopped to lay eggs. Araucana continue to lay good at night even at...
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    Comment by 'Elena Kh' in article 'Common egg quality problems'

    Very useful article!
  17. E

    Diseаse Urgent help

    I Have 6 chickens, different breeds, in small hoop. Gold Wyandotte has diarrhea with blood unexpectedly. May be this is infection? How to cure her?
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    Urgent question

    Dear friends, I live in MA. I have a very small coop. Only 7 hens can live in it. This is not the first year. I must urgently buy chickens. I already know that there will be 3 Amerucana . What else would you advise to choose? Farm offers Barred Rock Buff Orpongton, Golden Wyandotte, Rod Island...
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