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  1. Ruthimae621

    Chicken pecks me.

    I have one or 2 that Will occasionally do this. They don't peck me hard. when I looked down and say no firmly they just look at me like I'm crazy lol! I think they're asking for treats!
  2. Ruthimae621

    Review by 'Ruthimae621' in article 'Coop Stack Up - how high stuff works well?'

    Looking for ideas on how to re-do our coop. Seems like a great way to maximize space!
  3. Ruthimae621

    Comment by 'Ruthimae621' in article 'Introducing a Single Hen to an Existing Flock'

    I have been doing the same thing with my girls. I have three 19-month-old hens. And four three months old babies. They are sleeping together fine in the coop, but tend to fight over the food and water. I keep several stations around their free-range area so everybody is happy!
  4. Ruthimae621

    Wannabee farmer

    Welcome! I'm new to raising chickens, just this year. I have found so much support and great information on this site!
  5. Ruthimae621

    Success! (I think.,?)

    thanks, I've only had my flock for about a year. So happy that this transition is looking successful!
  6. Ruthimae621

    Success! (I think.,?)

    I rescued a hen that was abandoned 6 weeks ago. I have read a bunch of articles on here that have really helped me a lot. I have tried a number of different approaches. Finally got the other girls to allow her to sleep in the coop but not on the roost.this morning when I went to let them out, I...
  7. Ruthimae621

    Review by 'Ruthimae621' in article 'Introducing a Single Hen to an Existing Flock'

    Wonderful article! Gives me hope. I am currently about 3 weeks into trying to integrate a beautiful Barred Rock Hen into my small flock (4) She came from the exact same situation, abandonment by previous owner when they moved. A friend of mine was working at the house, saw her all alone & called...
  8. Ruthimae621

    Review by 'Ruthimae621' in article 'Reintegrating a Recovered Hen to a Small Flock:'

    I just rescued a hen that was left when her owner moved.apparently the rest of her flock had died. She was alone for a couple of months, being fed by a neighbor. I just took her in and I'm in the process integrating her into my flock of four. I read numerous articles and I'm going slowly. your...
  9. Ruthimae621

    The girls are 10 months old now. Doing great!

    The girls are 10 months old now. Doing great!
  10. Ruthimae621

    Seeking Info on new "Asia Black" Chicken "Breed"

    2 of my 4 girls have white toenails, the other two have black ones. Their feather coloring varies as well. all four look different ranging from solid black to one that has a lot of golden brown feathers. My thought is that because they are a hybrid, and fairly new breed, it is very inconsistent.
  11. Ruthimae621

    Seeking Info on new "Asia Black" Chicken "Breed"

    I have 4 Asia Blacks. Almost 4 months old and 3/4 are over 5 lbs! All 4 are different in color & temperament. I'm a new chicken mom as well, so don't know what to "eggspect". They are so entertaining, & spoiled rotten!
  12. Ruthimae621

    Adding ACV

    My girls (4 Asian Blacks) are almost 4 months old now. How much should I add? Using 2 1 qt. waterers. How often is recommended?
  13. Ruthimae621

    Review by 'Ruthimae621' in article 'Quick Guide to Common Brooder and Coop Bedding Materials'

    Thank you! Good info for a first time Chicken mama. Our 4 girls are just about ready to go outside full time. They are about 7 weeks old now & outgrowing the brooder tank we have them in. We were wondering if we could compost pine shavings. Glad to learn this is OK!
  14. Ruthimae621

    2019 Newbie Chat!

    Thank you!
  15. Ruthimae621

    2019 Newbie Chat!

    New member just this week. My babies are about 3 weeks old & growing like weeds! Eating like it's their job, lol! Have 7 purchased at Tractor Supply. They seem to prefer cooler end of the brooder already. Temp under heat lamp is now mid 80's (F) Should I turn lamp off overnight to get them used...
  16. Ruthimae621

    New Chicken "Mom" in CT. The girls are about 3 weeks old, I think. ( Hubby got them at Tractor...

    New Chicken "Mom" in CT. The girls are about 3 weeks old, I think. ( Hubby got them at Tractor Supply) I'm hooked!
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