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  1. Mariakoltsa

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    mycoplasmosis is whats killing her now, swollen sinuses only apparent now, mucous in mouth and throat constantly swallowing and eventually she will suffocate to death on that if i were to let her. All that ehad shaking she has been doing now i know is due to mucous blocking the airways, but was...
  2. Mariakoltsa

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    Sounds exactly like mine is right now as well.. exactly what you described. Ive read that the symptoma in older hens are very rare but possible especially when immune system is a bit down. Mine started getting better seemingly and actually ate once a day and got half a ping pong ball amount of...
  3. Mariakoltsa

    Tremovirus or other disease

    Exactly. Support the one that wants to live..
  4. Mariakoltsa

    Tremovirus or other disease

    She is a bantam and she never weighed more than 700g but now she is maybe 300g. Theres no muscle at all.. but i camt give her anything that’s not syringe fed formula. She just can’t get the food past the tip of her beak. But i still offer she peck and pecks every day and gives up again...
  5. Mariakoltsa

    Head tremor

    Im so sorry ! 🥺. Did you find out what it was ?
  6. Mariakoltsa

    Very worried - head shakes/tremors

    How did your chookie end up ? Did you find out what it was and what were the later symptoms like ? I hope its all good
  7. Mariakoltsa

    Older hen with neurological symptoms

    How is everything ??? My chickem had the same symptoms for a very long time and now she is very bad but its been months since it all started… it got worse than what you describe here so im wondering how are you and your chookie ?! I reallly hope she is well. I was suspecting the tremovirus
  8. Mariakoltsa

    Tremovirus or other disease

    Oh sounds horrible… But sadly seems like a different thing.. UNLESS… the same disease can present differently. But my chicken seemed to be very bad for a very long time but never leg issues like can’t stand or things like that. More like rather weak and sleeps a lot but definitely not eating and...
  9. Mariakoltsa

    Tremovirus or other disease

    T That’s GREAT NEWS for me. To quickly ask, what was he like and how long did this progress and what were the worst symptoms. And how long did the recovery take? Its okay if you have no time to anwser this i can ready what you posted but im syringe feeding atm. Im very glad you anwsered this...
  10. Mariakoltsa

    Tremovirus or other disease

    Ive posted about an issue with the same chicken in my previous post but new things have become clear since. My 5 year old chicken has been losing weight and slowly moving less and less for months and months.. maybe around 6 months..and eating and drinking less until she stopped about two weeks...
  11. Mariakoltsa

    Weird head movements and lethargic.

    Hi! This chicken is STILLLL alive.. even lighter weighing and now she seems to be “stargazing”.. i have given vitamin water for two weeks but instead the symptoms are worse. But still alive. Cmon…. Somebody has to know what this is… im upset seeing her trying so hard to do everything chickens...
  12. Mariakoltsa

    Weird head movements and lethargic.

    She was just suddenly with a dark purple face comb and wattles and i brougt her inside. The phone diesnt do the color justice at all. It is actually the same color as a dead chicken usually is. The youtube link is her weird beak and neck thing she does. Maybe someone will recognise any symptoms...
  13. Mariakoltsa

    Stringy bits in chicken water. Larvae or parasites?

    Never had my chicken water dish look like that. Drained water out to get a closer picture but still says nothing to me. Seeing that my chickens are having health issues i want to make sure these are just some bug larvae or eggs not chicken parasites. Kindest regards
  14. Mariakoltsa

    Weird head movements and lethargic.

    Hey, So her crop is fine. And empties normally. Poops fine. Wormings and lice issues have ofcourse been the first reactions too but she is a pekin bantam so she doesn’t lay eggs so often but i do think that this laying period was very short and she stopped a few weeks ago. Treats are pretty...
  15. Mariakoltsa

    Weird head movements and lethargic.

    I have wormed her with Avitrol plus a few weeks ago, didn’t change anything. But autopsy/necropsy cost here is over at least a 1000$. Im not in that position at the moment.. ☹️
  16. Mariakoltsa

    Weird head movements and lethargic.

    Thank you ! We got some young chickens a while ago but im pretty sure they came after the first signs but i can’t be a 100-% sure. Nothing else otherwise. We did add roosters a while ago and then the girls started having more issues. We just gave the roosters away today because of their overall...
  17. Mariakoltsa

    Weird head movements and lethargic.

    The ones pssing have been 3, 4 and the current one is the oldest at 5
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