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  1. jlpierce45

    Texas heat shade idea!! (Pics included)

    You are very welcome! It would be similar to lay down two 2x4s parallel to one another and bend the hardware cloth to make a full three sided tunnel if you dont have a preexisting structure to attach it to like I did. I found it helpful to use a scrap 2x4 to place on the cloth to help you bend...
  2. jlpierce45

    Texas heat shade idea!! (Pics included)

    So sorry for the delay I was down with the worst stomach bug. This is after a year and a half of use, so it has wear & tear on it. The pop door you see on the left is closed and latched at night so the tunnel is not predator proof. The bending you see is from my nephews and dogs leaning/jumping...
  3. jlpierce45

    Texas Coop Build! Pic heavy!

    Update pics... As you may remember these nesting boxes from previous pics... well a snake was hiding under them so it is no longer nesting boxes LOL. Brooder with chick and chicken size door for integration underneath the poop board! roosting bars hung from the rafters with 2x4s I am...
  4. jlpierce45

    Texas Coop Build! Pic heavy!

    Two years later... I now have closer to 70 birds LOL. This coop is no longer a full-time living quarter and is decked out with ample roosting and nesting areas that the chickens return to at night. The chickens go out into a 3k sqft chicken yard that used to be a bull pen during the day. I will...
  5. jlpierce45

    Texas Coop Build! Pic heavy!

    I had to tarp up the coop for the girls as they refused to step foot out into the snow and looked miserable with the blowing cold wind last year. Once I got the wind off of them, they were happy as could be with no added heat!
  6. jlpierce45

    Chickens falling dead off roost *dead chicken pics*

    Forgot to add no treats, occasional meal worms but they’re expensive lol. They get fruit scraps in the summer, watermelon rinds, and such but haven’t lately since it isnt fruit season.
  7. jlpierce45

    Chickens falling dead off roost *dead chicken pics*

    I have a mixed flock, one rooster and 4 female ducks. They get fed one scoop Purina flock raiser one scoop purina layena crumbles alternated until the feeder is full. I have a flock of 40 chickens, used to be 42.
  8. jlpierce45

    Chickens falling dead off roost *dead chicken pics*

    Im assuming falling off after death (death while sleeping)
  9. jlpierce45

    Chickens falling dead off roost *dead chicken pics*

    Howdy! I've recently encountered my first death from my flock, a 1 yr old easter egger fell off the roost at night, was laying face down on ground the next morning with purpleish comb. I chocked it up to heart disease and an inevitable death. That was about four or so weeks ago, and last night...
  10. jlpierce45

    I wanna chicken and know nothing.

    Welcome to BYC! There are tons of great information in the articles of BYC that can help you when brooding chicks. The most important factor is heat and space :) Good luck!
  11. jlpierce45

    Automatic watering chickens and ducks

    I’m looking to see if anyone has had any success with an automatic watering system that works for both chickens and ducks. This is for the inside of my coop, where they only spend the night as they have a huge run for daytime. The ducks have a trough in the run for swimming. My concerns are...
  12. jlpierce45

    Oops... I may have gotten some chicks!

    They’re perfectly integrated now!
  13. jlpierce45


    I also free feed, my chickens seem to eat in small periods throughout the day!
  14. jlpierce45

    Oops... I may have gotten some chicks!

    Since I already have 18 I am trying to steer clear but I always find myself wanting to go look “just in case”😂
  15. jlpierce45

    Oops... I may have gotten some chicks!

    Thanks! To be honest, they use the black one more. I’m not really sure why, but I love both of them, they both work great!
  16. jlpierce45

    Show me your coop signs!

    I have a deviled egg sign on the left, windmill on the right, and nesting box curtains in the back lol. I also have solar wind chimes and other cute solar trinkets out front!
  17. jlpierce45

    Help me modify my coop to include a brooder

    I don’t have any advice, but im replying so that hopefully others who can help you see this post!
  18. jlpierce45

    Oops... I may have gotten some chicks!

    Update on the babies... looking like I’m going to be able to leave them together! The brahmas are 2 weeks old which is why I was worried. Everyone is getting along fine, and the babies are active! I added a second heat plate since there are so many lol, 18 total! How does my setup look? They’re...
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