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  1. K

    Decreased egg production- what am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for the info Aart. My coop is 10x11 (space in my barn, so walk-in height) and my run is about 16x22, also walk in height. Both have lots of roost options, the coop has multiple feed and water stations and 8 nest boxes. I have seen a couple of hens eating the oyster shells, not sure if...
  2. K

    Decreased egg production- what am I doing wrong?

    TLDR version: My hens have slowed egg production since early May but have also undergone changes to routine (less free range time), increased predator threats (fox family), and integration of new chicks (at 8 weeks old). Is decreased production a result of this stress? Or could there be...
  3. K

    Possible URI starting in flock?

    I did, and I saw that. I've been told so much conflicting info and my vet consulted with another vet on it and still recommended the withdrawal so I'm erring on the side of caution. I know it may not be necessary but multiple vets have advised varying withdrawal times.
  4. K

    Possible URI starting in flock?

    Thank you for the resources, I'll check them out. Coughing was fairly sudden onset, first with one and then spreading to several over 2 days. Coughing started subsiding with antibiotics, no more coughing now (5 days into tx). I clean the coop every day and it is in my barn with excellent...
  5. K

    Possible URI starting in flock?

    No and no. Birds are still active, eating and drinking and laying. I brought 2 of them in for hom to examine and he didn't see any major cause for concern, lungs and everything all sounded OK. Only symptoms I've seen are some of them have developed a cough, but that even has seemed to start to...
  6. K

    Possible URI starting in flock?

    Tylan for 7 days (powder dissolved in their water)
  7. K

    Possible URI starting in flock?

    Thanks. I actually was able to get to my vet today, he agreed girls could use course of antibiotics but thinks they should all recover fine, whatever they have is mild. He is recommending a 2 week post-treatment withdrawal period for eggs for personal use and 4 weeks post-treatment for selling-...
  8. K

    Possible URI starting in flock?

    I noticed about 2-3 days ago that one of my hens seems to be coughing (see video). It's become a bit more frequent, and this morning it seems that 3 of my other hens are having similar symptoms (one is more wheezing than coughing). All are eating, drinking, and active (though the wheezy one is...
  9. K

    Bloated chest in pullet- Sour crop??

    This will be my final post on this thread, as Cadbury was humanely euthanized yesterday. I found a vet that could see her, and now I just wish I had known about this vet when this all started. On my request, he did a necropsy and found the cause- a ball of long grass in her crop. So she was...
  10. K

    Bloated chest in pullet- Sour crop??

    I was optimistic in my last update, but all good things must come to an end, sadly. Today I noticed that Cadbury was isolating herself a bit, seems to be gaping with her beak, and when I picked her up to check on her she vomited more sour smelling stuff. I've made the decision to cull, before...
  11. K

    Bloated chest in pullet- Sour crop??

    I think her crop does mostly empty overnight, there's definitely a difference in size from morning to night. My plan is exactly as you suggest- continue to monitor her and euthanize when she starts to go downhill. Right now she seems quite healthy otherwise and is alert, happy, and eating with...
  12. K

    Bloated chest in pullet- Sour crop??

    It's been over a month since my last post on Cadbury, thought I would just give an update and ask a couple more Qs. Her crop is still large, she has a bra that she wears 24/7 and tolerates well. I take it off for a few hours every few days so she can dustbathe and clean herself. I noticed last...
  13. K

    Shell-less egg and diarrhea??

    She's generally the leader of the pack. Certainly one of the 2 smartest of the flock, pretty dominent. They have plenty of space inside and out, I haven't noticed anyone not being able to get food and water (and I do watch them for that). I'm not sure how stressed they are, they have a fairly...
  14. K

    Shell-less egg and diarrhea??

    Another update- another day, more shelless eggs. It looked like there were 2 from overnight/early am before I let them out. I went out to check on them a few minutes ago and found her back up on the poop boards (where she's consistently been passing them) and found her next to this. She was...
  15. K

    Shell-less egg and diarrhea??

    Is Caltrate the same as Tums? Wondering if I can give her what I already have vs going and buying a different supplement. I did go get a bag of layer feed this morning, I'll mix it in with the all flock and keep OS out free choice. Thanks!
  16. K

    Shell-less egg and diarrhea??

    Quick update- yesterday I scrambled a couple of eggs, including crusged shells, and topped it with a scoop of plain yogurt, meal worms and oyster shell for protein and calcium. They all devoured it. This morning, looks like my hen laid another shell-less egg overnight in the poop boards. Is...
  17. K

    Shell-less egg and diarrhea??

    I have 8 young hens (~17 weeks), 1 laying consistently nice strong shelled eggs for about 1.5 weeks now (OE) and another who laid a nice strong egg late last week but has not yet laid another (WLH). I would have expected at least 1 or 2 others by now, even if she was only laying every other day...
  18. K

    Bloated chest in pullet- Sour crop??

    Also, I'm sorry to hear about your hen :(
  19. K

    Bloated chest in pullet- Sour crop??

    Thank you- that's what I'm wondering, that there may be a more serious underlying condition. She's eating and drinking on her own and likes to be with the others, she's just a bit slower and not quite as active. I'll keep trying things and see where this goes. The crop bra does seem to be...
  20. K

    Bloated chest in pullet- Sour crop??

    Hi, here's an update. She's still not 100%. Her crop bra came in the mail Saturday and she's been wearing it mostly since then, just a couple breaks for her to dust bathe and clean herself. I'm still not satisfied with her crop/chest and energy though. She improved a bit on Saturday, but then...
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