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  1. LunaMarieWolf

    Can someone check over my genetics please?

    Okay, this is going to be a long one. I produced a gradient chicken pattern several years ago and have since lost all of the chickens associated with the line. I am wanting to replicate it. The start was an EE. Rosaline. This was in crisp 2015. I do not know what breeds this EE was made out...
  2. LunaMarieWolf


    I am not going to beat around the bush, that looks like a DEEP wound. I've had chickens recover from large chunks of flesh being ripped off, but once you have a puncture, you don't know what it hit. I am sending good vibes your way, but it isn't looking good. Try to just sit next to him and...
  3. LunaMarieWolf


    If actively bleeding I would very quickly try to stop the bleeding using cornstarch / flour/ baby powder. He is 100% in shock, there may be internal bleeding that we don't know about, and so far it seems you are doing all you can. Make sure that you are not heating him up too much cuz you may...
  4. LunaMarieWolf


    Where is he wounded?
  5. LunaMarieWolf

    Bleeding tail feathers

    From the photos though, it seems it is a blood feather that busted by fighting or just rough handling. Before feathers become what we think are feathers, they are held inside a protective coating (see the weird looking "pin" feathers above the wound) that the body supplies them with blood before...
  6. LunaMarieWolf

    Day old chick gasping for air. Emergency!

    Sorry, when you said fed her through a syringe in the main post, I thought you meant you stuck it down her beak. There could be reasons why she was so weak. But we need more info. What is the brooder setup like? Was she huddled away from the heat lamp or right under it? What are you feeding...
  7. LunaMarieWolf

    Bleeding tail feathers

    You can find it at atwoods, tractor supply, or your local farm store.
  8. LunaMarieWolf

    Bleeding tail feathers

    If you have blue kote go ahead and spray it on there. Basically my go-to with chicken injuries. Chickens will eat her alive because they see red, they peck at red, which causes even more pain to the injury. If no blue kote, I would cover with some cornstarch/baby powder/ flour as it helps stop...
  9. LunaMarieWolf

    Day old chick gasping for air. Emergency!

    You may have squirted the liquid down into her lungs and is now drowning. I NEVER syringe a chick so small because of the risks. It is only a day old, what was its problems before the nutridrench? Why did you believe to syringe it? I would quickly turn it upside down if its still gasping to...
  10. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with building a new coop!

    I am trying to build a new coop for my chooks. I have 1 year to do it, as the hubby agreed that I can get more next year! The downside is, I have a small coop, since I had an accident where a pack of dogs ripped off my coop door and ate all my chickens. Hubby agreed that if I can build a...
  11. LunaMarieWolf

    Help ID this rooster please!

    It's what I'm leaning towards
  12. LunaMarieWolf

    Help ID this rooster please!

    Was given this rooster from a friend, given age is about 2 -3 years old, and she ordered from a hatchery (she can't remember which one). Also she doesn't remember what all she bought with that hatchery order so I have no idea how to guide you. Other than he looks like a brown red ameraucana but...
  13. LunaMarieWolf

    Bad Turkey Wound HELP!!

    Update: Theo is now taking a fat nap. We grabbed our game camera we had sitting out near the coop to see if we caught any photos of the culprits. We found one of our missing girls. She had hid in a tree to escape whatever it was that attacked them. I will update you on what actually attacked...
  14. LunaMarieWolf

    Bad Turkey Wound HELP!!

    Will Hen Healer work the same way as Blu Kote? I was afraid to put some on him last night because it was still bleeding and I didn't want to hurt him any more. And we thought he was a hen but Theo turned out to be a tom! But we will have to do that later seeing as how hurt he is right now.
  15. LunaMarieWolf

    Bad Turkey Wound HELP!!

    Our 1 year old turkey Theodore was brutally attacked last night with our entire flock. We lost 8 chickens. Theo is our only turkey. We are thinking coyotes attacked. They attacked right after we left for town. They attacked in the 30 mins we were gone. Theo looks like he got trapped between...
  16. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with genders please!

    I got them from a local Atwoods. We let a broody hen take on some chicks after her clutch only hatched out 3. The broody hens actual chicks are the white rooster and orange hen, and the Silkie cross. The rest we bought.
  17. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with genders please!

    These babies are comming to their 7 month mark here next month. And my family want to know who to keep and who to sell before I go off to college. I can already tell you the white one is a rooster. And the orange and two black and red ones are hens. I need help on the Golden sebright...
  18. LunaMarieWolf

    Quail missing beak! Help! (GORE WARNING)

    We have moved them to crushed laying pellets since they just started laying. We give them veggies and bugs as well. These birds were gifted to us and we suspected she had a dislocated leg. She wasn't able to walk when we got her and now she is able to get up and move on her own.
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