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  1. T

    Heterozygous buff in my Gander?

    Excellent that's what I'm hoping in the future to do but they're hard to find around here at all so hoping to build from my current flock and also just because I love my birds. Thinking breed the females back to sire then hopefully pick up a buff male from that crossing and keep it to start a...
  2. T

    Heterozygous buff in my Gander?

    I let my grey Toulouse geese hatch their own clutch this year, my first goslings! My pair come from different homes, but were supposed to both be Toulouse. To my surprise two of the 6 are colored differently and after some research they appear to be Buff and because if the cross they should be...
  3. T

    Urgent! Brine for a 44lb turkey?!

    Thank you!
  4. T

    Urgent! Brine for a 44lb turkey?!

    So really I should just use the recipe for the amount of water I can hold not the size of the bird right? I'm just going to brine overnight because we couldn't do him sooner, next year we'll do better lol
  5. T

    Urgent! Brine for a 44lb turkey?!

    So i know it's not ideal and this may turn out tough but whatever it was out first go. I just butchered my first turkey, he dressed out to 44lb! Now I'm trying to brine this sucker to try and be as tender as we can because we did this last minute. Should I just double the 20lb Turkey brine...
  6. T

    Barred rooster over solid hen

    How'd this little one turn out out of curiosity?
  7. T

    Turkey raising chicks?

    So she sat and sat on half her eggs and half chicken, nothing hatched. So then she started a second nest next to it, assumed she was abandoning the bad for new eggs, all chicken this time. She proceeded to bounce from one nest to the other and still hasnt hatched anything. This morning she's in...
  8. T

    Turkey raising chicks?

    There's zero possibility any if her eggs are fertile, I have an immature tom that has no idea what ladies are and got rid of my mature tom a few months ago, so I guess I'm kinda glad they're duds because maybe they wont be soso bad by the time the chicken eggs hatch 🤢
  9. T

    Turkey raising chicks?

    I'm not sure if your being sarcastic...but no turkeys and chickens can't cross breed..
  10. T

    8wk Favacauna Pullet or Cockerel?

    She looks pretty much the same as 2 weeks ago. I'm thinking it's a hen at this point and from some advice from another forum. I'll see if I can catch her up tomorrow and get some new ones.
  11. T

    Turkey raising chicks?

    My heritage blue turkey hen is setting on an unknown number of eggs. What I can see about half are hers which are not possibly fertile as I got rid of my mature tom a couple months ago. The other half appear to be some of my chickens eggs. I can't get to her where she is and she hasn't been off...
  12. T

    Preserving Capes and Saddles for fly tying

    Most of what I'm reading is scraping as much fat and tissue off as possible and covering with borax or salt and pinning flat. Eveyone seems to have a slightly different process so trying to figure out the best way. Might need to just give it a go and figure it out. Yes I am processing them, it's...
  13. T

    Preserving Capes and Saddles for fly tying

    I'm not a fly fisher, nor do I tie, however I've seen there is a market for chicken capes and saddles. I have about a dozen beautiful patterned and colored roosters that I'm considering growing out and am hoping to process and sell their capes and saddles at least. Anyone have any resources on...
  14. T

    Chick with crusty head, hole on oneside

    So a little update, definitely not goo from hatching but I did clean it that day. Basically this chick has leathery unfeathered skin no both sides of it's ears which were oozing at hatch, and a crumpled leathery are on top. I applied neosporin for a couple days and other than the oozing stopping...
  15. T

    Chick with crusty head, hole on oneside

    This chick hatched Friday, head feathers completely flattened, not fluffed, eyes completely covered and a hole on right side by ear area, a bit of oozing. Decided to let it be, see what happened. Today it looks like this, appears to be eating and drinking but it's head feathers are flattened...
  16. T

    8wk Favacauna Pullet or Cockerel?

    Here's Nimbly an 8wk Favacauna (Americauna x Salmon Favorelles) I have Nim posted elsewhere and the jury is out on pullet or cockerel. The red over the shoulders and hooky tail end has me thinking cockerel but the comb is very small and light still. I'm of course going for a pullet!
  17. T

    Looking for examples of a few cross breeds

    Excellent, thanks for all the info! I think he's barred so probably by the CCL (you're correct on all the abbreviations) or CCLxRIR in which case probably one of my Silver Laced Wyandottes. It's hard yet to say if he's blue or black, I think black but double barred, he looks a lot like a CCL roo...
  18. T

    Looking for examples of a few cross breeds

    Hatched some mix chicks this year and am(for funsies) trying to figure out what they are. My first one has me a bit stumped. It's a cockerel chick with a rose or pea comb, white with grey/black. All my roos have single combs, A RIRXCCL mix, a CCL and a White with Red Leakage "Salmon Favorelles"...
  19. T

    Sexing chicks by headspot size

    So you're sayin there's a chance? Lol Yeah guess we'll see! I've had single barred birds with no headspot and double barred that you couldn't tell had a headspot (lightly colored chick down) so we'll have to wait and see. Hope they're not all roos 🤷‍♀️
  20. T

    Single combed SLW?

    Thst is true, I can't see her legs clearly. I've never seen a single combed Wyandotte though..
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