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  1. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    it works, but it is definitely something you have to monitor very closely and have good breeding stock for. humidity can be hard to control but once you get down a routine its easy
  2. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    So, bad news, the last little baby passed away, but I did figure out why the last three passed away. Apparently the thermometer I was using is off by three degrees so instead of being 99, they were at 96 and apparently that was just too cold for the little ones to last long. But now that I know...
  3. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    UPDATE it’s day 23 for the little eggs and sadly we’re down to just one because the other egg just died which I know can happen in the final stages. The last remaining egg is active and doing good so looks like I’m gonna have to get them a friend when they hatch so they aren’t lonely
  4. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    It’s currently day 18 for the little eggs Out of the five eggs I set I am now down to two healthy and thriving little ones who should make it to lockdown without no problems. The third egg just up and died for some reason the other day so hopefully I tossed it fast enough that the two healthy...
  5. silkiemother

    Is this embryo dead?

    Thanks guys, I’ll toss it
  6. silkiemother

    Is this embryo dead?

    The others look like this, they all got set on the same day and that egg is definitely cold to the touch after just a minute out of the incubator
  7. silkiemother

    Is this embryo dead?

    I’m not seeing any movement from this egg and it looks different from the others, is it dead? The others are semi clear and I can see the babies perfectly, they’re at day 18. Oh and this egg feels kinda cold despite it being 99.4 in the incubator
  8. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    Isn’t 102.4 a little too high for it to be the eggs though?
  9. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    I was just gonna leave it open since I wanted to monitor them during the hatching process and since I don’t have a lid on it I have it well protected by drafts. I do have a lid half covering it atm the moment tho. My only problem right now is that the temp is reading higher than it has in the...
  10. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    It’s already day 14 and I just candled the eggs and all three are doing great and being active. So far everything is going great and I’m so excited to see if these babies make it to lockdown then hatch
  11. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    see, really the only hard thing with this is controlling the heat since I'm using an open container for the eggs but other than that it works just fine. well, and the fact you can't trap the humidity but you can make up for that
  12. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    DAY 9 UPDATE so far, out of the five eggs I set three are left and thriving, they are developing well and are already moving around a tiny bit in their eggs plus I can see the little flickers of their hearts. I'll get pictures of them when I get home if y'all want
  13. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    UPDATE Already out of the five I set two are already veining and moving. Two are iffy since the egg shells are pretty thick so I’m gonna give them two days before I toss em
  14. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    Three of the mistings aren’t directly on the eggs, it’s just to raise the humidity since it’s not an inclosed incubator. I only actually mist the eggs themselves when I wake up and when I head to bed so about 12 hours in between each misting. Oh and curious, what does a small blood ring on day...
  15. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    Oh, the lid you saw is protecting the wall from the heat of the lamp so it can’t accidentally catch on fire
  16. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    The weird thing is, by leaving it uncovered the heat actually stays stable better, also, what you can’t see in that photo is that the eggs are actually kinda sunk down so the tinfoil reflects the heat back at the eggs pretty well. I also have em in a draft free area where they are safe from pets...
  17. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    Do y’all Y'all think there’s anything I can could improve or change to make it better? Or is it good as it is? I want to give these babies the best chance possible
  18. silkiemother

    Homemade incubator experiment

    So as an FFA side project I decided to see if I could hatch out duck eggs without the help of a modern incubator. I know it sounds weird but bear with me. I know I can successfully hatch out ducks like this due to intensive research of how they used to do it before we had modern incubators(with...
  19. silkiemother

    should I make a safety hole?

    The baby unfortunately didn’t make it, she had a couple defects and her organs were outside her body somehow even though she was completely ready to hatch and the yolk was halfway absorbed already. I sadly expected it since her mom was a crested and dad was a blue Swedish and I’ve heard cresteds...
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