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  1. Hardknockshomestead

    Who can reply last on this thread?

    Just here trying to figure out how I can sneak a few more chicks into our order without my husband noticing.
  2. Hardknockshomestead

    Review by 'Hardknockshomestead' in article 'An Inside Look at the Humble Sexlink Chicken'

    Thanks for presenting the info in a clear and readable way! Article is detailed without being too technical.
  3. Hardknockshomestead

    Review by 'Hardknockshomestead' in article 'Chicken Behavior The Ignorant Gal's Guide To Things No Sane Person Would Tell You About Chickens'

    I needed this article this morning for a heartwarming laugh as much as I needed it 35 years ago when I got my first chickens! Thank you!
  4. Hardknockshomestead

    Egg production lately

    Yeah that would be nice for us, too.
  5. Hardknockshomestead

    Best Rooster Photos Contest! Ends 2/1/2023

    This is Blue the Roo, our EE. Sorry it's blurry!
  6. Hardknockshomestead

    Egg production lately

    Lol! Thing is, it's not completely farfetched. Antibiotics, birth control hormones, pesticides-all have been found in many locations in the water supply here in the USA. That being said, you may very well be right. It IS winter here, and there are SO many other factors that can influence egg laying!
  7. Hardknockshomestead

    Three very sweet Russian Orloff roosters in WI

    What is your location? How old are your roos?
  8. Hardknockshomestead

    Egg production lately

    I've also had very low egg numbers, starting early summer of 2022. We've tried everything. Free choice feed (16% layer pellets), free choice Poultrycal oystershell, good water 24/7, ventilation fan and opened windows in summer, ventilation windows but no drafts in winter, large, grassy, sunny...
  9. Hardknockshomestead

    Review by 'Hardknockshomestead' in article 'How Much Room Do Chickens Need?'

    This is a good explanation of the finer points of space per chicken. Mentions several facts often overlooked when deciding available space for your chickens.
  10. Hardknockshomestead

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    10 eggs/29? hens. Frustrated!
  11. Hardknockshomestead

    Easter egger sexing help?

    Pics 7 & 8 I could be mistaken, but the leg bands look a bit too tight. They grow so fast, it can be easy for chicks to outgrow their leg bands! If I'm mistaken, forgive me😊
  12. Hardknockshomestead

    Chicken name ideas

    Our granddaughter came up with "Crowin Wilson". Previously we have had Blackie Chan, Cluck Norris and Brewster the Rooster.
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