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  1. Cimmaron

    Is it true that poultry lice can only live for 1 week in a vacant coop?

    Update on my lice situation: I hatched new chicks and put them in housing that never held adult birds. I got rid of the old birds, cleaned out the coop and sprayed it with organic spray, then a dusting of DE. The coop sat vacant for a whole month before I added the new birds. I have not seen...
  2. Cimmaron

    Color Genetics Question!

    I just did some research and while the blue/black/splash colors of Bresse also carry the recessive white gene, white Bresse like I have are normally dominant white. It sounds like penning up the other breeds for a few days is the best option. Thank you for your help!
  3. Cimmaron

    Color Genetics Question!

    I am getting ready to incubate some White American Bresse eggs. unfortunately the weather is not cooperating and has been to cold to move some of my other hens to their summer housing. I am worried about the breeds accidentally crossing. It's no big deal if I end up with a few "barnyard mixes"...
  4. Cimmaron

    Turkeys Outdoors at -30?

    Update: All of the turkeys survived negative 30 degrees last night! I took away the poles they were roosting on and they all chose to go inside their shelter for the night. Although it is open on one side so not really any warmer, they at least had protection from wind and snow. We have a few...
  5. Cimmaron

    Turkeys Outdoors at -30?

    Will try to switch those out!
  6. Cimmaron

    Turkeys Outdoors at -30?

  7. Cimmaron

    Turkeys Outdoors at -30?

    They are heritage. Some roost on a metal pole that is completely open in the elements. The others roost on a stack of hay bales right next to their shelter.
  8. Cimmaron

    Turkeys Outdoors at -30?

    Thanks; hopefully mine will do the same!
  9. Cimmaron

    Turkeys Outdoors at -30?

    Does anyone know how much cold turkeys can handle? Mine sleep outdoors. They have a three sided shelter, but rarely use it. I have tried catching them in bad weather to put them in the shelter, but they just go right back out and sleep in the open. They are usually fine, but this weekend is...
  10. Cimmaron

    Does anyone have turkeys from a hatchery?

    I have experienced this with my White Hollands. I have some from McMurray, some from the feed store that they said were from Hoover, and now I have crosses between the two bloodlines. They are all about half the size they are supposed to be. At 6-7 months, the toms consistently dress out at...
  11. Cimmaron

    Chicken Lice On Ducks

    I have a tiny manmade pond that they swim in on a regular basis, but I wouldn't say they spend a lot of time in the water.
  12. Cimmaron

    Chicken Lice On Ducks

    I have been dealing with poultry lice on my chickens for the last few years. I finally got rid of all of them and am keeping the coop empty for a few weeks before putting new chicks in it. My question is, I had a breeding group of ducks housed in the same coop with the chickens. Is it possible...
  13. Cimmaron

    Is it true that poultry lice can only live for 1 week in a vacant coop?

    I've had no luck getting rid of the lice on the birds, so am looking at hatching out some new chicks and eliminating the entire flock of adult birds, leaving the coop vacant for a while before I put the new ones in. Over the past few years I've used Permithrin, Adams Flea and Tick, DE, neem oil...
  14. Cimmaron

    Is it true that poultry lice can only live for 1 week in a vacant coop?

    I do have mice but very rarely see them in the chicken coop. The chickens usually catch them if they venture near. I have used DE since I first got chickens 12 years ago, both as a preventative in the coop, and dusted on the birds when I started having problems. I think it was helpful as a...
  15. Cimmaron

    Is it true that poultry lice can only live for 1 week in a vacant coop?

    Is it true that poultry lice can only live for 1 week in a vacant coop? I have a large flock and have been dealing with poultry lice constantly for several years. I have tried all the organic and chemical treatments repeatedly and can't seem to eliminate them. I am considering getting rid of my...
  16. Cimmaron

    Turkey Eggs Infertile?

  17. Cimmaron

    Turkey Eggs Infertile?

    Update: They have now been laying for 3 months. I observed frequent breeding activity the first month. The second month Tom was courting his ladies every day and they were not receptive. Now none of them seem interested in breeding. They are still laying eggs. First two batches were all...
  18. Cimmaron

    Duck Infertility

    Update: I have been giving them some of the NutriBalancer and the multivitamin. This batch of eggs was mostly fertile and looked like they were developing normally at 6 days. On day 8 I tried candling one again and it had died, so I checked them all, and it looks like most if not all died...
  19. Cimmaron

    Turkey Eggs Infertile?

    It definitely looks like a bullseye, but is small and the shape isn't real crisp and clear like many of the photos you see.
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