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  1. Chickenmama2015

    Chicks beaks turning black

    Pictures of there beaks
  2. Chickenmama2015

    Chicks beaks turning black

    So my 8 week old baby chicks beaks are turning black and I'm snot sure if it's normal. When they were hatched there beaks were yellow. Is this normal?
  3. Chickenmama2015

    Question on ready-made coops from tractor supply

    I haven't heard good things about these coops and hear they only last a few years if that. It is also cheaper to build your own especially if you have materials that you can repurpose. I'm building a coop that is based off the store bought ones and it has only cost me around 70 dollars so far to...
  4. Chickenmama2015

    My chick is prolapsed. What do I do?

    From what I read you may have to bandage it to keep it from reoccurring till it's healed but I'm not sure on how it's done and I can't find any links on bandaging it.
  5. Chickenmama2015

    My chick is prolapsed. What do I do? This gives good information on treating and what to do after treating. But you could also post on the emergency board and they would be able to help you over there.
  6. Chickenmama2015

    How to treat this

    Came home today and this kittens eyes were like this like I don't know what to do. Any help is appreciated.
  7. Chickenmama2015

    First time in the grass

    They love being outside. Hopefully they will get to go outside more often.
  8. Chickenmama2015

    First time in the grass

    They range from almost 4 weeks to 2 weeks old
  9. Chickenmama2015

    First time in the grass

    Today was my chicks first time outside in the grass since hatching and they are loving it. They love finding the ants. Feel free to post your chicks outside.
  10. Chickenmama2015

    Is this chicks neck normal

    Here the chick is today. I have had a lot better luck to night getting the vitamins down. I had to separate him because I walked over to the brooder and thought he was dead. Usually when I call for him he comes and he didn't move so I about had a heart attack but turned out okay thankfully.
  11. Chickenmama2015

    Need advice on my chicks neck

    Can I please get some advice on how to get the chick to take the vitamin e I have been trying and it's just not going great at all.
  12. Chickenmama2015

    Diy chicken coop

    I didn't know that they made electric fence for poultry I will have to look into the cost of it.
  13. Chickenmama2015

    Is this chicks neck normal

    I have been giving the chick as much vitamin E as possible I give it and selenium everyday. This chick is really stubborn though and refuses to eat the food with the vitamin E in it.
  14. Chickenmama2015

    Diy chicken coop

    Was thinking of maybe doing something like that but I also wont be keeping them locking away at night once they get older. But I have some time to think about what the next step is to add on to the coop. Plus the wood isn't all that expensive for when adding on becomes necessary.
  15. Chickenmama2015

    What breed are these chickens? What gender are the chicks?

    So the older chickens I have had for about 3 years now with no idea what breed they are. I was just curious to know what breed they are as it is a mystery right now. Also can you tell what gender the chicks are I'm basically just looking for guesses as they may be to young to tell what they are.
  16. Chickenmama2015

    Diy chicken coop

    Right now budget is a big factor as to why I didn't build it bigger. But I know they need something now because they have outgrown the brooder they are in and I need them out of the garage. Building and adding on isn't a big deal to me when I get the funds to do so.
  17. Chickenmama2015

    Diy chicken coop

    I wish that I could let my chickens free range but because of dogs and cats it's not possible and I have no idea what breed of chicken they are. I did build though with the intentions that I could add on later if I needed to give them more space.
  18. Chickenmama2015

    Diy chicken coop

    I have 8 baby chicks. The framing part has been easy but I had my plan drawn out before I started out. Of course there has been changes here and there but nothing to elaborate that changed the whole plans. trying to stay on a timeline to get it finished as well cause the babies are outgrowing...
  19. Chickenmama2015

    Diy chicken coop

    I decided to build this coop and run for my new baby chicks. So it's 4ft wide by 8ft long and is going to have a raised nesting/sleeping area at the one end where the plywood is at. So far this coop has cost be less then 50 dollars to build. I have only had to pay for the basic frame and the...
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