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  1. Knighstar679

    Keeping the pen clean?

    I Started out with pellet bedding for mine then added flaked pine on top and let the chickens turn it over as they root around in it. I am letting mine compost down to dirt because I am cheep and don't want to buy fill dirt and bedding to fill in the un even spot that dips down and holds water...
  2. Knighstar679

    Can a cannibal duck be fixed?

    Depending on where you are he might not still be getting enough protein in comparison to what he is using. I would try the dry dog food or cat food added to his food. Its the cheepest and easiest fix. If you can get them black soldier flies have even higher protein in them too. Then reintroduce...
  3. Knighstar679

    What laid these?

    I will do that next time I forget a reference for the eggs in the picture. They are smaller than call duck eggs though
  4. Knighstar679

    What laid these?

    These are some eggs we have been finding in nesting boxes for some two weeks. We only have bantam ducks and 7 chickens that have access to the pen. These are small eggs fairly thin shells with yolks that seem to take up the bulk of the eggs space. We don’t have any new layers so I am not...
  5. Knighstar679

    Aztec Ducks!

    Yep it was me. I am trying to spread some Aztec love around because I love these little guys.
  6. Knighstar679


    This is them “dry”. The Aztec looks much better after a bath. Not as matted looking. He has something going on with his face but I think that was from fighting with other drakes or poultry. Mr Aussie looks cleaner but the feathers are still pretty roughed up. Along with something going on...
  7. Knighstar679


    I just took in these two boys. It’s and Australian spotted and a Aztec blue pearl. Their feathers seem almost look like they might have been stripped off the shaft, their are also some very then spots going on. I am not sure if this is wet feather or something else. I do know they got picked on...
  8. Knighstar679

    Ducks afraid of people?

    Don't forget that they usually got through the axe murder stage. Even the duckling Nibbler who slept with me for three weeks went through it. Being prey animals, it is just instincts just keep calm keep interacting with them as much and as often as you can. Most of the ducklings I had imprinted...
  9. Knighstar679

    How long do Indian Runners take to hatch their eggs?

    I would give it some more time. I have a couple of times like the one above where I incubated in an incubator and we were on day 30-32 and I thought eggs where dead and when I went to clear out the incubator poof there was a pip. It wasn't as good as the last one which happened in January. I...
  10. Knighstar679

    Duckling pipped on day 25...

    sounds good to go. Congratulations on your baby
  11. Knighstar679

    Duck shelter bedding?

    Pine pellets are my best friend for the ducks but they are a nightmare for the chickens. So i use a combo of both. I designed the house for ducks so I don't have poop boards or anything nice like that. I did add in a cat tree and a perch for the chickens that they love. The ducks like sleeping...
  12. Knighstar679

    2 x 4 inch mesh safe for ducks?

    I did rabbit fencing which worked out well for bigger ducks because it starts out small and gets bigger. But as I found out this year if you have bantam ducks those little buggers will try to actually jump through the bigger holes and can wiggle right on out. I did have a duck that did get a...
  13. Knighstar679

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 chicken eggs 4 aztec eggs 1 black east indie
  14. Knighstar679

    It finally happened

    About 3 years ago now I lost nearly my whole flock to a fox. At that point I moved the flock into my back yard. One the dogs patrol it, and two anything that has been fuzzy dies to my one dog because she doesn't allow anything in the yard. Things had been going well for quite some time. Other...
  15. Knighstar679

    Any idea what gender?

    The most reliable way is with the voice at this age. They right now just look like very cute ducklings :D
  16. Knighstar679

    Does the color matter much?

    I think it will depend more on what type of situation the ducks will be living in. Will they have free range on a grassy plain all day or in a fenced area with trees and brushes, a covered run. I never had too much trouble with hawks with welshies wit tree and brush cover along with a few human...
  17. Knighstar679

    Need advice

    I set mine to 60-65% for lockdown. I leave my temp where it is usually.
  18. Knighstar679

    Yellow welsh harlequin duckling??

    So it could be a welsh mix. If it was mixed with something that was pure white that could dominate the natural feather pattern of a Welsh harlequin. Would have to see how the size is as it matures though. If it turns out much bigger than the welshies then it is more than likely a different...
  19. Knighstar679

    Blotchy legs

    Thanks for the information. She is really behaving normally and exercising caution seemed wise when I wasn’t sure what was going on.
  20. Knighstar679

    Blotchy legs

    She is very chatty, and clucking a lot. But otherwise very normal
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