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  1. Barbs Girls

    I'm brand new here

    You will find just about everything you will need on here! Lots of friendly, knowledgeable, feather loving peeps here!
  2. Barbs Girls

    I'm brand new here

    Welcome aboard!!!:clap
  3. Barbs Girls

    No, I don’t have any regrets about eating animals.

    You may just be my hero.... well said!
  4. Barbs Girls

    No, I don’t have any regrets about eating animals.

    You should not feel bad at all. My husband and boys hunt and sometimes I’m just not feeling it either. Meh... sometimes I am. The goal is to be a good steward with our resource. The meet my guys supply never goes to waste nor does the meat I supply from the store!
  5. Barbs Girls

    No, I don’t have any regrets about eating animals.

    We LOVE squirrel but usually bread and fry it! I bet sauerbraten is delicious!!
  6. Barbs Girls

    No, I don’t have any regrets about eating animals.

    Absolutely no offense taken. We should worry less about “rules” and focus more about the meaning behind the comment.
  7. Barbs Girls

    Pink tinted eggs?

    I have 2 Easter effects, 1 lays blue/green the others lays a cool pink. Their fun!
  8. Barbs Girls


    We give our girls fresh pumpkin this time of year! We just cut in half and give it to them cut side up. They love it!!!!! They eat everything except the skin and chase each other around trying to steal chunks from each other! Great fun!
  9. Barbs Girls

    Chicken loosing feathers and walking sideways

    Poor baby, let’s tag some friends @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock
  10. Barbs Girls

    Don't tell the wife, I'm growing fodder in the 2nd bathroom!

    Hmmm shower curtain left open and she didn’t notice... you are a lucky man... or perhaps we should say.... well played wife!!! Maybe she is on a blog this very minute...ha, he thinks I don’t know his secret(followed by a mildly sinister cackle)..... Now..getting back on task... you could use the...
  11. Barbs Girls

    Don't tell the wife, I'm growing fodder in the 2nd bathroom!

    Bahahaha! A lot of enthusiasm will get you far! It’s hard to take down a person that is so darn proud of themselves!!!
  12. Barbs Girls

    Don't tell the wife, I'm growing fodder in the 2nd bathroom!

    I think I just passed out a little...:thI am open and do try a lot of crazy things but mealworms in the kitchen and crawling out of the bathroom!!! Gah!!!! You people are AWESOME !!!!
  13. Barbs Girls

    Don't tell the wife, I'm growing fodder in the 2nd bathroom!

    For those of us with many years of marriage under our belts, we do this kind of thing all the time! Like my husband always says...let me guess... it was on “sale” or we “needed” it??? Or I say... let me guess... you have another “great “ idea!!! A large part of a successful marriage is playing...
  14. Barbs Girls

    Dog attack

    How is your girl doing??
  15. Barbs Girls

    Hen or Roo???

    Could you post more pics from the side so we can see tail and back feathers?
  16. Barbs Girls

    Dog attack

    Not silly at all- that is responsible husbandry!!!
  17. Barbs Girls

    Infected Foot/Ankle

    Yikes! Abscess? Let’s get some other more experienced folks on board. @Texas Kiki @casportpony@Eggcessive
  18. Barbs Girls

    2 chickens, only one egg a day?

    In the beginning they may not be consistent and even once they get going, some do not lay every day. Our first flock of 7 hens we would get anywhere from 3-7 eggs each day. Just depends on their cycle.
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