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  1. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Considering getting ducks. Pros and cons?

    I don’t know if ducks attract predators more, but I feel that they are slower and less agile. Also, while ducks seem to be pretty good about watching the skies and behaving appropriately if there is an aerial danger (or a plane), their reaction to seeing or sensing a land-based predator is to...
  2. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    The 2 Rouens and the KC(?) are 1 week old today. The WH will be a week old tomorrow AM. Scary moment today. Mama was leading the babies into long grass, which I did not approve of. One little one was heading off on its own adventure, so I carefully picked him up to put him back on the lawn. I...
  3. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing

    The gnats are definitely terrible this year! At any rate, I agree that the fellow in the back is likely male. If you hear any of the others make loud quacks they are female. You can look for videos on voice-sexing ducks. Girls are very loud, while the boys have a lower, quieter, and raspier voice,
  4. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Considering getting ducks. Pros and cons?

    I have had ducks for over 6 years now and I love them! They are ridiculously messy, but it is manageable if you keep up with daily cleaning. I do not have a pond, but I do use baby pools that need to be changed daily, even if only used by a couple of ducks. Their drinking water needs to be...
  5. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing

    Are any of them quacking yet? Are you able to get video of their voices?
  6. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    I was hoping for another WH, but I’m ok with a KC. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it earlier! I was so focused on bill color and just thought it was a male WH. Well, if it is a KC, it could still be a female, which is nice!
  7. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    While I was drinking my coffee on the way to work this morning, I had a thought. I don’t think the chocolate duckling is a WH, although the egg was labeled as such. He/she looks more like a Khaki Campbell!
  8. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Oh, I forgot to mention! Mama does this new behavior -she does a little stomping/pattering dance when startled/alarmed. I think it means “come to me, babies”! I’ve never seen this behavior in any of my ducks, although this is the first time I’ve had a Mama duck!
  9. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Little lady WH, Daisy, is now 4 days old. Her siblings are 5 days old. Daisy very occasionally trips and falls when running about like the crazy duckling she is, but everyone seems strong and healthy. Mama took everyone on a closely supervised tour of the property today, then the babies took a...
  10. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    They are! Mama has been taking them on brief outings, and is very good about making sure they don’t get too warm/cold. She’s also been showing them different approaches to getting back into the barn. The are only allowed out of the stall when I am right with them as I know they would be little...
  11. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Forgive the duckling spam, I just can’t help myself!
  12. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Thank you! ♥️
  13. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    First brief duckling outing! Aunties Matilda and Remi saw their nephews/nieces from afar, but kept a respectful distance. Mama Muscovy definitely showed her babies off though.
  14. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    So, Cayugas…

    Congratulations! They are gorgeous! ♥️
  15. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    What made you happy today?

    These little guys made me very happy today. I’m in love.
  16. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching Eggs - Journal

    I’m definitely following and look forward to lots of pictures! Good luck with your hatch! Mine just hatched, and it was more amazing than I was expecting.
  17. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    They’re out of the nest!!! Mom is showing them the ropes, and everyone, including Mom, is eating and drinking well. I just sat with them in the stall for almost an hour after work getting the little ones accustomed to my presence.
  18. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    My 2nd Duck Hatch!

    I cant stop staring at their perfect little webbed feet, their bright eyes, and their shiny little bills! They are absolute perfection ♥️
  19. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Thank you for your reassurance! I’ve been getting a little worried about Mama as she has entirely stopped taking care of herself over the past couple of days. She started the spring a bit fat, so she is still in decent condition, but I want her to remember that she needs to care for herself if...
  20. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    There are 3. One is in some sort of state, possibly hatching, while the other two are still very solid, possibly with pips, but Mama wouldn’t let me see. I got a video, but can not upload it until later. Here’s more pictures though! Everyone is looking good. #1, Apollo, must be getting a bit...
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