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  1. MyChickenShack

    Hen with a limp, Hen dead

    Thanks for all the info...I called my extension agency today after work and unable to get through and will try tomorrow. I also called the vet that I take our dogs and cats too, there is a vet in that office that sees poultry 3 days a week. The hen that has been in question the most was, as...
  2. MyChickenShack

    Hen with a limp, Hen dead

    Thanks for assistance. So can birds vaccinated against Marek's get it? My birds were all vaccinated. I found I may be able to get assistance from my extension agency and will be calling the. Thanks
  3. MyChickenShack

    Hen with a limp, Hen dead

    I had 27 hens (down to 26) that were a year old this past June, all mail order as chicks from hatchery and vaccinated. Maybe 2 months ago, I noticed 1 with a limp. She would walk with a sway and limp, more noticeable on the left, but then could take off in a second in a run without any issue...
  4. MyChickenShack

    Are My Chickens At Risk from My Dog's Worms

    Also, I want to add, that my dog goes all over the yard, including the area of the chicken coop...
  5. MyChickenShack

    Are My Chickens At Risk from My Dog's Worms

    One of my two dogs has been vomiting and acting lethargic. The vet diagnosed with hookworms and another "stomach worm" (as she called it) that usually comes from eating such things as poop. He is a cat poop eater, though I have never seen him consume any other sort of poop. She put him on 2...
  6. MyChickenShack

    3 chicks...1 missing, 1 dead, 1 listless

    Either a white rock or white Orbington , I get those 2 mixed up...and of my other 3 other hens that went broody this Summer, 2 of those were same breed and they made great mom's. What would you do with her...can I mark her some way for identification or should we get rid of her...I've never...
  7. MyChickenShack

    3 chicks...1 missing, 1 dead, 1 listless

    The chick died...:hiti just buried it...what I know for sure Is that nothing entered the brooder...hardware cloth all around..also,1 was already dead and the other missing...makes me think she ate one...mama hen was vaccinated when we got her last year...and mama hen wouldn't get off the nest to...
  8. MyChickenShack

    3 chicks...1 missing, 1 dead, 1 listless

    Yes, she is young...a year old in June...her first time hatching...she had no other unhatched eggs under her....I'm losing hope again...the chick has quit chirping and closed her eyes
  9. MyChickenShack

    3 chicks...1 missing, 1 dead, 1 listless

    Friday 2 chicks hatched, appeared healthy. Friday night the 3rd hatched... Saturday (today) evening...1 dead, 1 missing, the other listless...I have very little hope it will survive...I brought it in the house and trying to give it gut is mama just didn't do a good the onset...
  10. MyChickenShack

    How far will true free ranged chickens go?

    I asked my husband because I'm not good at estimating distance:D...but he thought ours traveled about 800 feet...our property is not fenced in and we live in a hollow with a creek and woods on either side...between having constant access to water from the creek and the feed we dispense, I think...
  11. MyChickenShack

    Egg cartons

    If you cant find someone who has chickens to give them too, you might consider posting a sign in a feed store like rural king, tractor supply, southern states...not sure what suppliers are in your area. We have a trading paper that we post free ads in also that comes out once a week, maybe there...
  12. MyChickenShack

    Broody hen on eggs, should I move nest? First timer!

    Totally agree...I have my 4th broody of the year sitting right now, hatch date this Friday. With the exception of this last one that is in a different kind of cage that my husband made, all of my others, I transferred from the nesting boxes to a dog kennel. I actually had enough room for the...
  13. MyChickenShack

    Old Fashioned, Common Sense Chicken Keeping.

    We free range all day...I usually open the coop up around 7-8am. After they go in for the night, I lock them up. The underneath part of my coop is blocked in on the front and back ends, but the sides lift up like doors. That's where the ducks stay at night. When they go to bed, I shut the...
  14. MyChickenShack

    How to get hen to use nesting box

    I, too, locked mine up for a couple days...they were all mail order chicks that grew up learning on their own without any older birds to model. Locked them up a couple days until late in evening when I thought they might be done laying and let them out just for a few hours. I also used golf...
  15. MyChickenShack

    Double Yolker Day 17 And Alive!

    Following!!!! Best of luck! What about Frick and Frack:)....but really, I voted for Hen and Peck!
  16. MyChickenShack

    The Great SI (Shape index) experiment

    Can't Wait!:caf Good Luck!
  17. MyChickenShack

    Rotating garden and chicken run

    I love this idea! The only thing I have done is let the chickens in my raised garden bed in the fall after everything is harvested. The scratch around in it up til spring when I install my chicken wire to keep them out so that I can plant again. I also add the coop bedding directly to my...
  18. MyChickenShack

    Chickens Eating My Flowers!

    So I promised an husband built these cages and my flowers look great....I guess I could lift the cages up off from around my flowers if I hosted s picnic...but actually I don't mind the pot has chocolate mint and creeping Nancy which have exploded outside the...
  19. MyChickenShack

    Missing Guinea

    mine was almost a year old before she sit, and being a guinea, she took off in woods. she would sit on nest at night and be missing from the coop, but during the day periodically I would see her with her mate eating with the flock. Being that young and free ranging I am suspicious too...any...
  20. MyChickenShack

    Broken Duck Leg

    Late yesterday as I preparing to put the ducklings up, I noticed one was crawling...she has broken her leg...with a lack of duck anatomy, its the joint where leg attaches to body, may called a hip...not sure. My husband made a splint and we have separated her from the others. She is eating and...
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