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  1. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Torn Comb

    No, not new. 🤔. I would have noticed it Monday morning when I fed them. If anything yesterday afternoon. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’ll leave it alone if it’s not gonna give him emotional scaring. Don’t want his ego to be that badly damaged. We like his crowing at 6am
  2. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Torn Comb

    Found my Rooster with a torn comb this morning. Like from top to bottom. Do I need to sow it back together? Will it heal?
  3. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Rooster doesn’t mate

    Here were his legs this morning.
  4. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Rooster doesn’t mate

    Wait I’am being corrected by my wife. he is coming on 12-18 months old. Physically he looks good. No bumble foot, he is good at protecting. The last rooster I had was a RIR and he was always mating always crowing always protecting. So this one is new to me and just was getting worried the hens...
  5. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Rooster doesn’t mate

    I have a speckled Sussex about 24-36months old. He is not interested in mating. Hasn’t meen in about 6 months. The hens will back up to him and squat then shake their tail feathers and he is clueless. Like he is no longer interested he is huge and big combed so I wouldn’t have thought it was...
  6. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Maran or something else

    A friend had someone drop off 5 eggs to incubate and she is curious what this one breed is. They are all different breeds. This one has a beard. So not sure. What do you guys think?
  7. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Gender fluid hen?

    The one on bottom just got down raising babies. So I can see that. She is probably bottom of the pecking order. The one on top maybe middle of the pack by my food and mating observation but I’m no chickenologist. Just a watcher.
  8. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Gender fluid hen?

    I actually have 1 rooster and a cockerel that knows his place. The rooster tolerates him. He is probably 18 weeks old.
  9. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Gender fluid hen?

    Lol and I’m being completely facetious with the gender fluid. I realize mating isn’t physically possible.
  10. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Gender fluid hen?

    Like mimicking the rooster feet on wings, tilting back and trying to touch vens kind of behavior. Like that’s normal?
  11. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Gender fluid hen?

    So I noticed something strange. I saw a 3 year old hen mount another hen and do the booty bump thingy that the rooster does. What the hey hey?!?!
  12. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Panic at the disco!

    So it’s been long enough. And I will say the eggs didn’t make it. There will be more communication and I will also mark the eggs just In case someone wants more eggs to eat. Sad day.....
  13. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Panic at the disco!

    I will update! Here’s to wishful thinking and prayers!
  14. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Panic at the disco!

    🤮🤢 Nope!! Not today!!
  15. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Panic at the disco!

    I find that when my hens hatch out eggs it could be 21 or could be 25. I don’t know why that’s just what I see. So when I candles the egg 2 days ago you could see through it. And when I just candles you still couldn’t see through it. Like no veins or anything just an air pocket and darkness.
  16. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Panic at the disco!

    So I today was a good gumbo day so on my way home I told the wife to make some potato salad. Well about 7 minutes later I make it home and head to the back yard to see if chicks have hatched because we are like 1-4 days out. I go and there are no eggs under momma. Oh no! Panic sets in! I ask my...
  17. Dr.GarryTTucker

    I was today years old

    This morning I saw an 8 week old cockerel run and mount 2 full grown hens!! Like grab the head feathers lean back and try to make his vent touch theirs. One was his surrogate mother! Is that normal? This hens are 3 times his size. Hahaha 😂
  18. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Pullet or Cockerel Cukoo Maran

    Ok I ordered pullets but this one seemed to be bigger and grew the comb quicker. She is almost 50% bigger. But doesn’t act like the cockerel I ordered.
  19. Dr.GarryTTucker

    Pullet or Cockerel Cukoo Maran

    This is one of the others.
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