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  1. LisaMP

    Comment by 'LisaMP' in article 'Killer in the Shadows. How My Flock and I Learned to Deal With Marek's Disease'

    I just re-found this thread and re-read your post. I went through the season from hell last year, lost over 50 youngsters to various Marek’s symptoms. Necropsies kept coming back coccidiosis. I spent the summer treating for coccidiosis ad nauseum, disinfecting everything with a veterinary...
  2. LisaMP

    Vaccinated Chickens Transmit Marek's Virus and Can Kill Your Unvaccinated Chickens.

    The birds I believe to be my ground zero birds came from out of State. In all of my pondering it has occurred to me that perhaps my flock was hit SO terribly hard because the new birds introduced a variant that my resident birds had absolutely no immunity to. Lots to think about.
  3. LisaMP

    Vaccinated Chickens Transmit Marek's Virus and Can Kill Your Unvaccinated Chickens.

    From all my reading, and my experience, vaccinated chicks are fine. They’re vaccinated at hatch, and aren’t exposed to adults. I think hatchery chicks also get the more extensive forms of the vaccine that cover more variants. My “ground-zero” birds were vaccinated by a private breeder, and...
  4. LisaMP

    Vaccinated Chickens Transmit Marek's Virus and Can Kill Your Unvaccinated Chickens.

    I’ve heard that, and I’ve also heard it’s Not true. BUT, my only 2 pens that did not experience deaths last year are my pens that run alongside the goat pen where I also had 3 turkeys residing for the past 3 years. One of the pens contains Bantam Cochins, which are supposed to be particularly...
  5. LisaMP

    Vaccinated Chickens Transmit Marek's Virus and Can Kill Your Unvaccinated Chickens.

    According to this, and from my research, current vaccines include chicken virus to increase effectiveness of the vaccine. This is why the vaccine must be shipped frozen, increasing the cost.
  6. LisaMP

    Vaccinated Chickens Transmit Marek's Virus and Can Kill Your Unvaccinated Chickens.

    In over 20 years of keeping and breeding chickens I NEVER lost a bird to Marek’s symptoms until this past season. As I added breeds and breeding stock, 99% of the time I purchased fertile eggs and hatched them out myself. When I bought those 4 birds, 1 pullet proved a bit punky out of the box...
  7. LisaMP

    Vaccinated Chickens Transmit Marek's Virus and Can Kill Your Unvaccinated Chickens.

    "Marek's vaccination is what they call a "leaky" vaccination in that it prevents death of the host but does not prevent infection or transmission, and it allows the virus to become increasingly "hot" or more deadly. Vaccinated chickens who become infected (asymptomatically or not) transmit...
  8. LisaMP

    Comment by 'LisaMP' in article 'The Great Big Giant Marek's Disease FAQ'

    Great Article! Thank You!
  9. LisaMP

    Marek’s Disease – NOT

    Just found this, Very timely, going through this now. Same symptoms and started the Baytril yesterday thinking RI. She’s a bit worse today, but brighter, but I started thinking Mareks. Fingers crossed for the same success you had!!
  10. LisaMP

    Pyncheon Thread

    The hatch I had in February gave me 10 chicks. Two of the cockerels I’ve already rehomed as pets. One had a slight scissor beak and the other was working on a humongous comb. Floppy combs make me crazy. 😬 i need to take fresh photos, but have these from last week. The 2 oddballs are...
  11. LisaMP

    Pyncheon Thread

    Dueling Broodies. One of the gals started setting eggs. 10 under her, I think 5 are definitely viable. Should be hatching soon.
  12. LisaMP

    ISO - Porcelain Belgian d’Uccle Roo - NJ

    In Search Of … a Rooster. A breeding age Porcelain Belgian d’Uccle ROOSTER to pair with this lovely hen. Should be from an NPIP certified flock. Located in NJ Murphy’s Law: Everyone always has too many roosters, unless I’m looking for one.
  13. LisaMP

    Pyncheon Thread

    Question: What section here is the best place to post an ISO thread? I’m looking for a breeding age Porcelain d’Uccle Rooster.
  14. LisaMP

    Pyncheon Thread

    My girls are currently laying like mad. I can’t hatch them all. If anyone wants eggs … 12+ eggs: $50 shipped via Priority Mail.
  15. LisaMP

    Pyncheon Thread

    Hey All! Hope everyone is well. I’ve got 2 dozen eggs with veins in the incubator! 😃 Put them in last Sunday and candled them last night. This is my current group. My 3 pullets that hatched last summer, their sire and a brother. Please excuse the Roos’ combs. We had a sudden cold snap...
  16. LisaMP

    Accidently gave my Hens the wrong dose of SafeGuard Liquid 10% Goat Dewormer. What now?

    I’d just give them the add’l 1.0 ml to make the full dose
  17. LisaMP

    Pyncheon Thread

    To add to it, I also found my smallest Serama hen passed yesterday morning. She was broody and sitting on 3 eggs in the nest box. Found her, still on the eggs. The Seramas are in the barn, with fans going. I guess, again, she just wasn’t drinking enough. I put the eggs in the incubator...
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