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  1. AngieMaesChix

    Help me identify my Cackle Surprise Box PLEASE 😂

    What about the little all black one? And the gold face I was told the golden spitz ...
  2. AngieMaesChix

    Help me identify my Cackle Surprise Box PLEASE 😂

    I think I know some like the black Sumatra and the Polish a dark Brahma I think the only feathered footed one I got ... also I think some Marans or barred rock a white rock maybe a deleware a Rhode Island Red or maybe red sex link , maybe white leghorn and idk lol need help please
  3. AngieMaesChix

    Ordered Cackle Mini Surprise

    I definitely will I’m gonna need help identifying them 😂
  4. AngieMaesChix

    Breed of this chick

    @sybonbon mine seems to have more copper coming in pretty heavy hmm idk guess will see if anyone else comments...don’t matter lol she stays she’s a sweet one first one to come up and see what I may have
  5. AngieMaesChix

    Breed of this chick

    Three weeks and idk but aren’t black majestic sex links or no?
  6. AngieMaesChix

    Breed of this chick

    So supposed to be a Black Majastic Maran but I’m not so sure I’ve never had one though...
  7. AngieMaesChix

    Ordered Cackle Mini Surprise

    Hatch/Ship date May 11th... super excited sooo hoping for a goose but we will see!! Anybody else have this same hatch date??
  8. AngieMaesChix

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 04-02-2020 - Pic by SVH

    I think somethings up with my egg shooter
  9. AngieMaesChix

    Just purchased this shed for new coop!!!

    Yeah it’s gonna suck dismantling it but soo worth it in the end!! But this was a super find!! $300 is all I’m paying for it and I can make it however I want inside etc with saving this kind of money I can go pretty elaborate on ventilation windows and furnishings for the inside as well as the...
  10. AngieMaesChix

    Just purchased this shed for new coop!!!

    @aart I love the inside of your large coop!! I have been following you for some time now lol...whenever I see a post or something by you I’m definitely checking it out...don’t think a person could be a member of this site and not know who you are and if they don’t they are missing out!! You’ve...
  11. AngieMaesChix

    Just purchased this shed for new coop!!!

    It will have to be disassembled...and it’s wood but some metal as well...
  12. AngieMaesChix

    Just purchased this shed for new coop!!!

    We get snow but I wouldn’t say a lot and it tends to leave pretty quickly I’m in NW Ohio...haven’t had any issues with storms etc as of yet with any coops...
  13. AngieMaesChix

    Just purchased this shed for new coop!!!

    No they won’t have 24/7 access to the run though it will be predator proof...I meant all open inside I’m debating on wether to add a little section to introduce new birds or separate it into two separated coops...but I think I’m going for the more open with a small section to introduce new flock...
  14. AngieMaesChix

    Just purchased this shed for new coop!!!

    There will be a concrete foundation my man does concrete for a living so it’s a bonus I will have him add...and that’s what I’m thinking 15/20 birds max...I plan on adding as much ventilation as I can and the ole man will also be helping with that...I have a chain link run as well not sure on...
  15. AngieMaesChix

    Just purchased this shed for new coop!!!

    It’s 8.5x12.5!!! So how many chickens can I house comfortably?? I’m super excited about this find!! Will be picking up once this quarantine is over and hopefully the ground a bit more solid if not be fighting mud lol but it will be worth it!! Was not previously used as a shed so I’d like to see...
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