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  1. melearningasigo

    What gender is this 9 week old Easter egger

    It's a beautiful chicken whatever it is 😊
  2. melearningasigo

    What gender is this 9 week old Easter egger

    Ha ha isn't it a mystery! It has always been a bit bigger than it's hatch mates and definitely top of the flock. But it leaves me guessing!
  3. melearningasigo

    What gender is this 9 week old Easter egger

    I asked about this one a few weeks ago but I'm still in doubt. It did make an effort at a crow sound once or twice...
  4. melearningasigo

    Easter eggers gender

    I believe these are 6 weeks old today ish. Do you think these are both pullets?
  5. melearningasigo

    Help please. Is it lash? *Pic*

    I think one of them has been laying soft shelled eggs on and off as we were finding evidence in the box. One has been going downhill for a while, 5 years old. But I don't know that she has been trying to lay or not. We have 7 hens, no roosters. Found this today and scooped it out of the nesting...
  6. melearningasigo

    Pretty sure I know the answer, but want to make sure

    Thank you. I wanted to be completely for sure before I take him to live at a friend's farm.
  7. melearningasigo

    Pretty sure I know the answer, but want to make sure

    One of our broody hens hatched 3 eggs a friend gave us. We cannot keep roosters where we live, and I am 99% sure this is a rooster! But, he is 12 weeks old and still hasn't crowed. We have had to get rid of some before that turned out to be roosters and they all started trying to crow by 9...
  8. melearningasigo

    What breed do you think his mom was?

    Okay. I didn't know. Thanks for the reply.
  9. melearningasigo

    What breed do you think his mom was?

    They were fertilized eggs given to us. I don't know what all moms there were.
  10. melearningasigo

    What breed do you think his mom was?

    Just curious if we could tell what mom was based on his color and feathers. He's beautiful regardless. :)
  11. melearningasigo

    What breed do you think his mom was?

    About 9 weeks old. Fuzzy zoomed in picture with bad coloring doesn't do justice to the beautiful colors and red tones on the wings. Please also confirm it's a "he". We know dad was a crested cream legbar. I don't know what mom was. Just wondered if it was possible to tell what breed mom was...
  12. melearningasigo

    What is this on her beak?

    Yes and maybe it's just that we haven't really looked at that area enough to know what it really did look like before, but it seems like there's like a white bump there too? maybe it's always looked like that and we just never really noticed? She's been free-ranging the yard almost everyday, so...
  13. melearningasigo

    What is this on her beak?

    we noticed this on one of our hens beaks in my daughter says two of our other chickens also looked like they have the same thing. I haven't looked myself yet. They are all over 2 years old.
  14. melearningasigo

    Boys or Girls?

    Oh dear :eek:We can't have roosters where we live. I need to get working finding them new homes.
  15. melearningasigo

    Boys or Girls?

    Hello! We recently had 2 broody hens, and we decided to give each hen some fertile eggs. We had one hen in her own run because she was an "outcast" and we gave her 4 eggs. And another hen in with a flock of 4 got 2 eggs. All of the eggs hatched the exact same day, and they are now 8 weeks old...
  16. melearningasigo

    Roo's or Pullets?

    Hello! We have 6 3 week old chicks. The father was a Cream Crested Legbar, and the moms where various. I am wondering if the chicks are roosters or pullets Chick A mom was easter egger or americauna Chick B mom was light brahma Chick C mom was Leghorn Chick D mom was easter egger or...
  17. melearningasigo

    Everybody gangs up on one chicken

    Well, we slipped her in the box at bedtime the other night and they have lived happily ever after since! Whew! So glad
  18. melearningasigo

    Everybody gangs up on one chicken

    She walks fine. She does hold a leg up sometimes though. The original run is all of those proof, but the addition was only meant for extra space, not to be used solely. That's why this temporary fix can't last.
  19. melearningasigo

    Everybody gangs up on one chicken

    We can't have roosters where we live. :( This we could try. We kind of tried this with one we thought was nice, but turned out not so much. We can try again with another. Her legs almost look as if she had mites, but we can't find any or evidence of mites, not do any others have any symptoms...
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