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  1. H

    Feeding Chicks

    Thanks for correcting me on the calcium thing. I get things mixed up sometimes. And the duck egg thing. As for mixing a half-and half feed to shells, I'm trying to use up the starter feed as fast as I can so that I can buy a bag that doesn't feel like it weighs a million pounds! Besides, I don't...
  2. H

    Small coops: What does the inside look like?

    A rough estimate of twelve by five. We have five chicks, but three more are due. The current chickens don't trouble each other; they're friends. But adding three more...I'll have to work on something new. HELP!
  3. H

    Do you use the egg shells as calcium for the hens?

    I don't microwave them. Microwaves mean radiation, and radiation is unhealthful. I let the egg shells dry naturally in a bowl reserved for drying eggshells. Then I crush them and mix them into the chickens' feed. I was wondering today, is it okay to give crushed-up duck egg shells to chickens...
  4. H

    About Time I Joined

    Hi. I'm relatively new, too. but I've raised chicks and chickens several times. I can help out with full grown hens.
  5. H

    Feeding Chicks

    I have a lot of starter left over, but they're well out of chickhood. Calcium damages chicks' kidneys, but mine are old enough to have some, so I recycle egg shells by crushing them up and mixing it into their feed. My question is, is it okay to use crushed duck eggs for this purpose? Since duck...
  6. H

    Comment by 'Hannan' in article 'Chicken Toys: Why They're Important & How To Provide Them!'

    My run is actually an old dog house/enclosure for the old owner, but we converted it. It has a few bricks stuck under it, so I pulled one out, and it had rolly pollies all over it.
  7. H

    When I talk to my chicks, they shake their heads.........

    Does that mean Silkies may respond to Chinese?
  8. H

    When I talk to my chicks, they shake their heads.........

    I don't speak a lot around my chickens, but when I do, half of them (or half of the time) they run for the chicken house. Then they realize that no, I am not making the sound of a predator nor am I warning them of danger. I find it useful to sing a lullaby to calm them down after this happens.
  9. H

    Roost and Nest Box Heights

    My chicks are scheduled to start laying in July, and it’s April as I type! Time flies, and I’d like to know how I should set up the nesting boxes in my 5x10 run that happens to be occupied by a big honking 4x4x4 coop thingy on the far end that they shelter in (all measurements are estimates)...
  10. H


    They always expect leaves from my hand, now. They like honeysuckle best. Whenever I show up, they run to the door. Except for Smallchick. She’s very skittish. Also, Twilightchick lets me pick her up and calms down quickly.
  11. H


    They eat out of my hand. That's literally it. And apparently, at least one of the enjoys hopping onto my back whenever I enter their enclosure and bend down. How can I train her to not do that? Oh, yeah, and I taught them what a roost was for: flying onto, not ducking under.
  12. H

    Black Sex Links? Anyone know what we are?

    Black sex link hens are mostly black with a bit of reddish around their neck-possibly more if they didn't breed true, as is the case with one of mine-so it's either roosters or Barred Rock. Probably Barred Rock.
  13. H

    Comment by 'Hannan' in item 'Orpington'

    My sister's Buff Orpingtons are fully feathered, and they, meaning the chicks, are very friendly, and it doesn't take much to convince them to eat out of my hand. (Ironically, they are more reluctant to eat from my sister's hand.)
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  15. H

    Coop training new chicks?

    Just today, an eagle scared my chicks, and now one has ran off (we found the other that ran), while two others are huddled in the coop, finally understanding that it means safety. They slept in the rain last night, because they didn't know what the coop was for. Maybe you should scare them once.
  16. H

    I saw your advice on how to get your chicks to love you, and I saw that you have black sex...

    I saw your advice on how to get your chicks to love you, and I saw that you have black sex link's too. Maybe you can advise me a bit? I'm not particularly experienced in raising chicks. The ones I used to own were already grown.
  17. H

    Do baby chicks get bored

    I put a clump of weeds in their brooder for them to play with and peck at all they want. You can also try putting a mirror in their brooder. I heard that they love looking at themselves.
  18. H

    Is “Chicken feed” necessary?

    A few years ago-that's the time when we had laying hens-we didn't use commercial feed at all. We just fed them uncooked rice, kitchen scraps, and eggshells. They remained healthy until death by predator.
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