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  1. gameboygal12

    HELP! Baby chick might be stuck in egg?

    Thank you! I let him sit over night, and the next morning, my sister got him out when I was at work. He's up and peeping and seems to be fine!
  2. gameboygal12

    HELP! Baby chick might be stuck in egg?

    I recently found a nest of chicks under my chicken house that I had no idea was there! SO I moved the mother and eggs to a different pen. The hen abandoned the rest of the eggs that didn't hatch and they were cold. So before I threw them out, I candles them and opened them up in the air sack...
  3. gameboygal12

    Found a chicken tied up on the side of the road...

    I'm pretty sure it was purposely. My sister saw a mysteriously slow truck drive by our house and stopped next to our driveway. Our dogs started barking at them and they left. So maybe they decided not to ask us if we wanted it and they just dumped it right down the road? I still don't know, do...
  4. gameboygal12

    Found a chicken tied up on the side of the road...

    Here she is pecking at my jeans! She was very fascinated by them for some reason!
  5. gameboygal12

    Found a chicken tied up on the side of the road...

    She's doing great! Yesterday I introduced her to the rest of the flock. She's still a little scared of them, but she's doing better! I'll post a picture of her in a little bit!
  6. gameboygal12

    Would a rooster on antibiotics effect his hen's eggs?

    My rooster has the nasty respiratory thing. I'm putting him on antibiotics. I know with hens, you can't eat their eggs for 20 days or so because it's in their system. If the rooster is fertilizing his hens, will that effect their eggs at all? will they be safe to hatch them or to eat them?
  7. gameboygal12

    Found a chicken tied up on the side of the road...

    But the REAL question is, did it cross the road???
  8. gameboygal12

    Found a chicken tied up on the side of the road...

    I guess we will just keep her as long as she live! She will have a happier life living in our coop rather than a super crowded barn filled with thousands of other chickens!
  9. gameboygal12

    Found a chicken tied up on the side of the road...

    I just looked up a picture of broiler chickens and they resemble her a lot! We have some chicken houses right up the road from us so it could have escaped from there
  10. gameboygal12

    Found a chicken tied up on the side of the road...

    We have jerks drop off animals on our road all the time. This is the first time we have found a tied up animal though! I think she must have come off of a chicken truck in the past or something because She's a broiler chicken. Her legs are HUGE! but she's surprisingly very soft feathered. Here's...
  11. gameboygal12

    Found a chicken tied up on the side of the road...

    So today, I had to work. so I texted my Mom to get chicken feed for me since I was working. On the way back from the store, she saw a white thing on the side of the road. She backed up and saw that it was a chicken, just sitting there! When she got closer, she saw that someone had tied the poor...
  12. gameboygal12

    Willing to trade French Black Copper Maran eggs for OEGB eggs.

    I want some Old English Game bantam eggs to hatch. If you're interested in trading, please show me a picture of the hens that laid it and what kind they are. Here's a picture of my Maran eggs. They are the darkest ones on the right.
  13. gameboygal12

    All my eggs are moving at day 17!!!

    I'm incubating eggs in my new Brinsea Mini Advance incubator, and all the eggs have been moving a lot since day 15, but they're moving especially a lot today!! So my question is, does this mean that they're getting ready to pip and should I go ahead and put them in lock down mode, or is it...
  14. gameboygal12

    Can I use artificial tears in my chickens injured eye?

    I have an OEGB hen that had a cyst on her eyelid. It eventually grew so big, it got all scabby and caused her eye to swell shut. I put some neosporen on it and it has improved. I checked on her today and she has opened her eye! Her eye is kinda red and irritated looking. So I was wondering if I...
  15. gameboygal12

    Found white worms in my chicken's poop?? Help!! *picture included*

    I was feeding my chickens as usual, when I noticed a particularly bloody poop. I took a closer look and found about 3 small white worms in it. I found a feather and picked it up to take a picture. Does anyone know what type of worm this is or what I can do to get rid of them?? Please help!
  16. gameboygal12

    Coughing and Wheezing but fine in every other way

    I have this same problem. Except it gets passed around by about 30 chickens! It sounds like someone sucking the last bit of their drink though a straw. Some have it worse than others. My chickens eye are also bubbly and filled with some weird white stuff. I hope someone helps us know what this is.
  17. gameboygal12

    Half my flock has rattled breathing, white of eye is bubbly and swollen, No egg production? HELP!

    This first started last year, virtually all my chickens had it. They eventually got over a few months later. This year, It has started again. When I pick then up and listen to the breath, It kind of sounds like someone sucking their last sip of their drink out of a straw. They will sometimes...
  18. Default


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