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  1. chickenreyna

    Help her balance and feet or legs did this pics included! advice needed

    She wasn't injured! i had her by herself in a coop and noticed her balance was poor she's still has appetite and everythings ok except she can't walk. Please don't tell me to cull her i can't
  2. chickenreyna

    Any idea on the breed of this?

    Thanks.... Mean mug is fierce, I think it could perhaps be a cross. I'll post photos of the Polish chicks from the same bin at the same time as i got this grumpy looking chick,.similar color..yeah, it's definitely not the Cornish cross as bin said
  3. chickenreyna

    What color is this polish considered?

    It has A very extremely tiny bit of white on the tip of feathers on one side
  4. chickenreyna

    Any idea on the breed of this?

    Ok lol its cute but very grumpy looking lol the Polish appear to be same color and pattern . i was thinking it maybe was a cross half polish only Time will tell
  5. chickenreyna

    Any idea on the breed of this?

    I found it along with several polish chicks in the wrong bin labelled Cornish looks extra Yellow legs and feet
  6. chickenreyna

    What breed is this bantam juvenile??

    Its tiny and very calm and docile acting demeanor... I got it from tractor/farm store out of random assorted bin..
  7. chickenreyna

    What breed is this banty juvenile?

    I had a male mottled Japanese pictured below him plus photo of his offspring as chicks In person, he. Had alot more white on him than u can't tell in pics but his offspring hatched almost totally white and maybe s little TINY black spot...
  8. chickenreyna

    What breed is this banty juvenile?

    Lol its fine i forgot the second main trait or first trait: fuzzy feathered legs after i responded to you its a Long spring break lol and i just had this little cochin roo until two days ago:0 jusajthpost: 2111 member: 328154"]I know, I have a flock of Cochins, short legs and rounded butt...
  9. chickenreyna

    What breed is this banty juvenile?

    Yes, the tail shapes of cochins, i want to say is shrubby, i can't think of the word right Now but its very distinct shape ;-)
  10. chickenreyna

    Help. Chicken can't stand up feet are shaking

    Under stomach is warm like with most chickens not out of ordinary just like any other day
  11. chickenreyna

    Help. Chicken can't stand up feet are shaking

    It was a shivering almost the shaking of feet was becauseis its not moving feet just now ones curled the toes nothing seems to indicate an injury ive checked feet body she has access to feed and water
  12. chickenreyna

    Help. Chicken can't stand up feet are shaking

    Um, i have had it since November shes approx 6 months old, give or take + i am not one hundred percent sure its a she, judging by the one i purchased before same breed as this was showing roo characteristics and crowing but not laying eggs yet. It stopped shaking, i guess it may have been...
  13. chickenreyna

    Help. Chicken can't stand up feet are shaking

    I have no clue what occurred shes enclosed with four chickens younger and smaller in size than her. ruling out an injury by them. I opened the door go coop found her like this:(
  14. chickenreyna

    Help. Chicken can't stand up feet are shaking

    What do i do?
  15. chickenreyna

    Two more days until it is OFFICIALLY spring!

    Two more days until it is OFFICIALLY spring!
  16. chickenreyna

    No problem thanks for the new egg-cellent term, egg-static!

    No problem thanks for the new egg-cellent term, egg-static!
  17. chickenreyna

    Will a BB RED game banty crossed w. a MOTTLED=SPECKLED SUSSEX

    Thanks so for taking the time to explain thoroughly to me. Appreciate it greatly! :)
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