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  1. D

    pairing off Georgia Giant Quail

    So a pair of GA Giants would need 8sqft minimum? I have a 10x13(130sqft) pen and trying to figure out the best combo of males to females. Your response above says 1:1 so 16 pairs for my size pen? It seems like a lot of males but I dont have any experience lol
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    Raising quail in a 130sqft pen

    Thank you :)
  3. D

    Georgia giant bobs

    Let me know if you can find some butlers. Only place I found was in AZ and its eggs
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    Raising quail in a 130sqft pen

    I want to raise quail in a pen thats 10x13 made with tubes and hardware cloth. I'm starting off with adult Georgia giants. How many females and how many males can you have without conflict? Should I create a couple subsections(3x3?) within the pen? First goal is to start harvesting eggs for...
  5. D

    Best tasting quail breed?

    Hey all, I'm looking for mostly meat birds, taste trumps size. Which breed do restaurants use? I've narrowed it down to butlers bobwhite quail. Does anyone know who has adult butlers for sale? What's everyone's thoughts on this? I plan on raising them outside more naturally inside a pen.
  6. D

    Need help narrowing down breeds!

    Hi guys, need some help getting started.. I've asked on reddit, went to a backyard chicken 101 class today, looked up breeds on this site, and google searched. Theres a lot of contradicting information and its just confusing me more and more. I only want 2 maybe 3 birds max. I was originally set...
  7. D

    Hello from Atlanta

    Hello all, So very confused! Hoping to learn a lot and get this new hobby started!
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