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  1. Lovemylilcluckers

    Camera to catch predator

    Thanks! I was kind of hoping for a camera that could be easier to review/send to animal control if we get something. Especially because I am wanting so many
  2. Lovemylilcluckers

    Camera to catch predator

    We have lost 25 chickens from the same dog and 6 other neighbors have lost bunnies/ducks/chickens (all together 50+ animals). We are catching the dog in the act or right as the end. Animal control is helping but it’s a slow process. The dog is deemed potentially dangerous and not allowed to...
  3. Lovemylilcluckers

    Prolapse baby chick?

    I have a 2.5 week old chick that seems to be failing to thrive. She has had some pasty butt issues and I’ve been soaking/cleaning her daily. She is acting fine but has now grown feathers or in size like the others. Is this a prolapse vent?
  4. Lovemylilcluckers

    Outside Roosts Dog Proof

    They do go into the coop to roost at night. I’m looking for a solution (a pasture roost?) for during the day if the dog jumps the fence that the chickens have a way to get UP away from the dog. I’ve thought about using an orchard ladder and building cross supports like this to have in the...
  5. Lovemylilcluckers

    Outside Roosts Dog Proof

    We have a coop, but they have a 1/3 acre fenced pasture with 6 foot fence. We have lost a few to owls and raccoons but not very many.
  6. Lovemylilcluckers

    Outside Roosts Dog Proof

    We have had the same (shepherd) dog jump our fence twice in the last two months taking out 25 chickens. He is very determined! We have now raised the fence to 6-8 feet in most areas but I’m hoping to put a roost out in our fully fenced pasture. Any suggestions and pictures yard roosts that are...
  7. Lovemylilcluckers

    Pasture gate

    We had a German Shepherd jump our pasture fence (chest level) and get 23 of our chickens on 12/16/23. We raised the fence up to 6+ foot but he came back this week and jumped over a spot we didn't know how to raise, our 10-12 foot swinging pasture gate. He got 2 out of the 3 of our last chickens...
  8. Lovemylilcluckers

    Baby Chicks & Tractors

    It wasn’t our dog but a loose dog. Electric fences are great for dogs who experience is over and over and learn from it. My worry is that the dog would get zapped clearing the fence if they were super motivated then be stuck inside the pasture? I am looking into the electric option but it’s a...
  9. Lovemylilcluckers

    Baby Chicks & Tractors

    Unfortunately, the day after Christmas a dog (German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois) jumped over our pasture fence and "got" 23 of our chickens. (BTW: We raised the fence!). Now we are trying to get chickens ASAP, so they can hopefully start laying early spring/summer. We have a commercial size...
  10. Lovemylilcluckers

    Turken/naked Neck help! Roo or Hen?!

    I’m a first time Turken owner and have 2 seven week old Turkens. They were in a pullet bin when I got them as day old chicks but I can’t seem to figure out if they are hens or roos from all my research online! Whenever I’ve gotten chickens before it’s always been super obvious. I’ve named them...
  11. Lovemylilcluckers

    eggs in winter-too cold? must put in fridge?

    Temps here have been getting "down into the 40's" and will get down into the 20-30's when winter actually hits. Our coop is not insulated or and has no heat lamps but is draft free. After the eggs have been sitting in the coop all day, can I bring them inside and place them on the counter? Or...
  12. Lovemylilcluckers

    Broody breaking question

    I have gone back and forth with trying to break my broody hen or maybe giving her day old chicks from Wilco/Tractor Supply. I just made my broody breaking pen and got a dog crate for this and other isolation chicken needs. It's a medium sized metal dog crate and I took out the black plastic...
  13. Lovemylilcluckers

    Broody Chicken+Day old chicks?

    Hi-I have super broody cuckoo maran hen who is about 6 months old. I was thinking of trying to "break" her of her broodiness but have also considered giving her some day old chicks (Cornish cross's?)? Any Pro's/Con's? Tips for this? Maybe slightly stupid questions: 1. Will my broody Cuckoo...
  14. Lovemylilcluckers

    2 New behaviors-what the?!

    I've also considered maybe getting two/three day old chicks for her to help the broodyness this time but was trying to figure out another solution first! I will try the broody breaking cage technique first
  15. Lovemylilcluckers

    2 New behaviors-what the?!

    The physical coop is 4.5x4.5 not including the nesting boxes and the run is 12x12 feet. I have an extra dog crate but it's the plastic kind. I just went and bought a metal crate and will try the broody breaking tips! Thanks!
  16. Lovemylilcluckers

    2 New behaviors-what the?!

    1st-In the last week my Cuckoo Maran (Sheila) has gone completely crazy Broody! Is there harm in letting her be broody? I keep kicking her out of the nesting boxes/blocking the nesting boxes/shutting the coop door, however I want the other chickens to still be able to lay in the nesting boxes...
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