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  1. IslaBean

    Bumblefoot - Don’t know severity or what to do

    Hi! Ruby has three bumps on her foot. She refuses to use her foot at all and tries to walk with just one foot and spreading out her wing for balance. I don’t know the severity of her bumblefoot. Should I treat just with epsom salt baths, or is it sever enough that I should surgically remove it...
  2. IslaBean

    Chicken grew 2nd Vent??

    This is the size of the small poop she’s leaking
  3. IslaBean

    Chicken grew 2nd Vent??

    Buttercup had a severe prolapse two three weeks ago. There appeared to be a large infected lump on the inside of her intestine. The tissue was black and poop was oozing out of the side. I put antibiotics on her and shoved everything back inside and tightly wrapped her up so she couldn’t undo my...
  4. IslaBean

    Prolapsed Vent - Can't fix--Need Advice

    Are there any prolapsing tricks I don't already know? I've given her a warm bath and I have tried to push everything back in, but she just pushes it right back out. I have her in the dark because I don't want her laying eggs. Will she be able to survive a little bit in this condition?
  5. IslaBean

    Prolapsed Vent - Can't fix--Need Advice

    Hi! I have a chicken with a prolapsed vent. It is in extremely bad condition. I was up all night trying to push everything back into her, but I will not go back in. I have done a lot of research on this, and I haven't seen one in as bad condition as her online. Is there anything I can do. Or is...
  6. IslaBean

    Help! Chicken in critical condition. Unknown diagnosis

    Buttercup was found today with her vent very inflamed. I’m not sure what is going on, or how to help her. I’ve attached pictures of her vent. Please let me know how I can help!!
  7. IslaBean

    Fox out during daytime! Help!

    I knew we had foxes around where we lived, but I’ve never seen them out during the day before, so I figured it was fine to let my chickens free range during the day. I’ve had them for two years without loosing anyone to a predator. But today, I was out in my yard and I saw a fox roaming around a...
  8. IslaBean

    Chickens digging up flower garden

    I’m thinking about setting up a sprinkler for now. Would that drive them away? Also this wouldn’t be a permanent solution because I can’t leave a sprinkler going all day long.
  9. IslaBean

    Chickens digging up flower garden

    “big feathery locust” :lau I agree!
  10. IslaBean

    Chickens digging up flower garden

    I have a lovely flock of five girls. However, I’ve been a little bit upset with them lately. I’m putting in new flowers by the house and my girls keep pulling them up. I’ve had to replant them several times by now. How do I stop this behavior? I can’t just keep them locked up all day.
  11. IslaBean

    Rescued Baby Canadian Goose

    The chicken feed is unmedicated, so I’ll give that to him. His wound is already looking better and he’s starting to walk again. So hopefully I can try to return him in the next day or two.
  12. IslaBean

    Rescued Baby Canadian Goose

    A baby Canadian goose was left behind by his mother in my yard. After inspection, he’s got a cut along the inside of his hip making it difficult for him to walk. I’m taking him in for now with the hope of returning him once he’s well. He can’t be more than a week old. Since I’m not planning on...
  13. IslaBean

    Below 0° Temps

    I’m from Michigan and we’ve had a very warm winter so far. Just this past week we stayed below freezing consistently for the first time. Tonight it’s supposed to get to -3° and tomorrow the wind chill is supposed to be -20° to -25°. What should I do about my girls? This drop in temperature is so...
  14. IslaBean


    They’re dissolving
  15. IslaBean


    She’s doing very well the stitches are healed up. She’s eating completely fine. Right now she’s trying to find her way back into the pecking order, she’s been loosing a lot of feathers over it.
  16. IslaBean


    I’ll look around, but I don’t think there’s anything.
  17. IslaBean


    Thanks we have a lot of those in the area. We’ve had live traps set out, but haven’t caught one yet.
  18. IslaBean


    How do I catch a hawk? I’d like to let my chickens out during the day without being worried.
  19. IslaBean


    Would a cat have been able to tear through a chicken’s leg?
  20. IslaBean


    So I think something is after my chickens. They are free range and spend their days in the goat barn and around the yard. On Friday, I found my younger pullet with a small, but deep, cut in her leg. Then yesterday I found my other hen with a deep gash in her neck. Her skin was torn through but...
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