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  1. path.otto

    Vent is enlarged and open

    I'm so sorry for your loss! I just now euthanized my Rhode Island Red due to fly strike. I'm so angry with myself for not thinking about it sooner. I hadn't had an issue in 6 years and I got complacent. 😥
  2. path.otto

    integrating 2wo chicks with flock - at night - is it worth it?

    I've only done this twice with single adult chickens. I will always remember the post from the woman who said she tried "the sneaking the new chickens onto the roost" method and woke up to a blood bath in the coop the following morning. Not for the faint of heart! My best results came from the...
  3. path.otto

    Any prep necessary for -18f degree night with wind chill -45?

    I have cold hardy breeds and they seemed to do well with the sheets. We've had colder weather than this and I didn't worry but my flock was larger then. I'm going to put another bag of chips in there so they can hunker down.
  4. path.otto

    Any prep necessary for -18f degree night with wind chill -45?

    Glad to read this, I haven't posted in a while and I only have 3 chickens left out of my flock. I don't intend to get more so this upcoming frigid weather (northern Iowa) was concerning me. When I had 11 chickens my 8x10 coop seemed right sized. I hang sheets around the roost and have a radiant...
  5. path.otto

    Comment by 'path.otto' in article 'Bee's key points to successful and safe free ranging.'

    Very interesting and informative article. I've only had chickens for 4 years but I haven't lost any to predators, although I accidentally saved my BO from a hawk when I walked around the corner of the coop just as it was making its dive for the kill. She is the one I will lose if it comes to...
  6. path.otto

    Official BYC Poll: How Important Is It That You Get Eggs From Your Chickens?

    I eat eggs every day but I chose it's a nice benefit. My chickens were a retirement present to me from me and I've enjoyed every day with them even though some days ended in heartache. I'm almost 70 so I don't plan on replacing my girls when they are gone, but I hope to have them for at least a...
  7. path.otto

    Iowa towns which allow chickens in town and the specifics

    Sometimes they are, sometimes you will need to call your City Clerk, City Manager or Mayor's office depending on the size of your town. Regulations may be under Zoning or Animal Control. You can also contact the Zoning Department or Animal Control directly for help.
  8. path.otto

    Eglu/Omlet concerns/warning

    @Aunt Tat, I have two of my neighbor's chickens that decided to pack a bag and leave. Don't blame the chickens my neighbor's idea of animal husbandry differs from mine. They built a simply gorgeous coop but did nothing else to protect them from predators. When they first moved here they had...
  9. path.otto

    Eglu/Omlet concerns/warning

    Five is fine, six might be pushing it. I consider the inside part of the Cube the roost and nest box, not the coop. If you get the extended run and keep it protected in bad weather you should be fine. I decided not to use my cube in the winter and bought a large coop from a friend because we get...
  10. path.otto

    Horrible chicken accident with my daughter

    I'm pretty sure her daughter wasn't actually trying to kill the chickens on purpose for heaven's sake!
  11. path.otto

    Mission accomplished! Henrietta has a new flock. :)

    Mission accomplished! Henrietta has a new flock. :)
  12. path.otto

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I've spent the past two weeks trying to get another...

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I've spent the past two weeks trying to get another single pullet integrated into my flock of 5 - 3 year-olds and 1 - 7-year-old hens. It is amazing how stubborn (and sometimes, brutal) they can be. There does appear to be a light at the end of the tunnel...
  13. path.otto

    Angry Vulture Living In Our Garage. How to get him out?

    @debik60, thank you for your very interesting post on vultures. We have a lot of them in Iowa and I see them every day. I have a new appreciation for them now!
  14. path.otto

    Help! New neighbor suddenly hates chickens!

    Seriously? It is her property she has the right to plant a garden wherever she pleases on her property and she has the right to expect the owner of the chickens to keep them off her property. She can certainly complain and if it would go as far as court, the neighbor would win.
  15. path.otto

    Help! New neighbor suddenly hates chickens!

    @Fishychix, good fences make good neighbors. Her chickens, her responsibility to keep them safe. The best way to do that is confinement, either in a run or by fencing some or all of her property. If her neighbor then continues to come on her property it is a matter for the sheriff or police. It...
  16. path.otto

    Help! New neighbor suddenly hates chickens!

    She is not a nutball, she has probably discovered how destructive chickens can be to property. It is one thing to constantly sweep mulch back into beds from your own chickens, or remember to always look down when walking in the yard so you don't step in chicken poop. The idea of chickens that...
  17. path.otto

    Angry Vulture Living In Our Garage. How to get him out?

    The idea that there is something attracting the vulture to the garage in the first place has been on my mind through this thread, especially since you have successfully extracted the vulture and it seems bound and determined to get back in. I would do a careful search of the area to make sure...
  18. path.otto

    Want to take a gander?

    He's a beauty!
  19. path.otto

    IA here

    Yes, that was another concern, that and her yard. They had only been in their new coop a couple of weeks - I don't know if that will make a huge difference but there wouldn't have been enough time to build up much dander in the coop. They did have free run of the yard though when she was...
  20. path.otto

    IA here

    My DIL asked how to go about finding a few (less than 5) chickens that are at the point of lay and I didn't know what to tell her. I tend to be suspicious of someone rehoming chickens right before they lay for fear there is something they aren't telling me. Any suggestions? She had a very...
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