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  1. Screen Shot 2019-06-04 At 1.05.54 PM

    Screen Shot 2019-06-04 At 1.05.54 PM

    Our Great Pyrenees puppy (Samwise) and our cat (Tommy) being best buds.
  2. poultry person

    HELP!!! Hen dying!!!

    this happened with three of my rooster they are completely fine and then the next thing I know they're collapsing and dead. it could be marek's disease and it's very contagious she could die in about 1-10 days so just be careful you can look up good medications.
  3. poultry person

    More chickens?!

  4. poultry person

    love ur profile gif!

    love ur profile gif!
  5. poultry person

    Boys or Girls?

    pullets. They look like best buds! :love
  6. poultry person

    More chickens?!

    GEESE! Especially Sebastopol geese they will watch over ur flock.
  7. poultry person

    Help me!! Is this sound normal for a Hen?!

    yup it's completely normal my hens make noises like that all the time.
  8. poultry person

    I saw a girl with a Mario bros. ring tone, I gave her a high-five.

    I saw a girl with a Mario bros. ring tone, I gave her a high-five.
  9. poultry person

    How to teach chickens to use nipple waterer?

    we recently got a feeder with nipples and they figured it out pretty quickly.
  10. poultry person

    Has anyone had missing birds returning?

    I've had sooo many chickens go missing I never saw them again...:hit
  11. poultry person

    My chick is growing up so fast! :(

    My chick is growing up so fast! :(
  12. poultry person

    pullet or cockerel?

    Month sorry
  13. poultry person

    pullet or cockerel?

    Here are his/her parents Dad: Mom:
  14. poultry person

    pullet or cockerel?

    oops sorry I forgot that! 2 1/2 months.
  15. poultry person

    pullet or cockerel?

    We have a 2 1/2 month old chick who we hatched can you guys please tell me if he/she is a guy or gal?
  16. poultry person

    Don't eat that.

    My crazy hens have eaten mice, frogs, snakes and even fried chicken!:sick One time my sister and I were baking cookies and we looked out our window to see our hen raptor, (lived up to her name) running around with something in her beak, we didn't know what it was but all the chickens were...
  17. IMG_1475


  18. poultry person

    Sick chicken - Help please!

    Possibly but if she was she probably would have died already.
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