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  1. GreenAcresFarm

    Does anyone have a silkie Polish cross chicken?

    Do you have pics of what they look like grown up? Would like to breed my Polish and Silkies together.
  2. GreenAcresFarm

    white crust on beak??

    I sold some of my polish chicks to a gal and she called this morning, one of the has chicks died. It had white crust on it's beak and head. Now some of the others are showing some crusting on their beaks. I told her to change the bedding and wash down the brooder to disinfect. I checked all of...
  3. GreenAcresFarm

    baby chick attacked by hen

    I have the chick in the house, under a lamp and have been feeding him/her every couple hours. It seems to be doing well so far... The wound looks to be healing nicely. Hope he makes it, he sure is a cutie! I have named him Uno.
  4. GreenAcresFarm

    baby chick attacked by hen

    my broody hen hatched 2 chicks last week, then a lone strangler hatched yesterday. The mother hen wouldn't let the chick near her other 2 babies. She attacked the little one and he now has a wound on his head and lost an eye. I have him wit me and have been giving him Gatorade. He seems to be...
  5. GreenAcresFarm

    A pip but no zip

    well we are now pippin and zippin everywhere, I have 10 that have hatched so far.... I have 3 more that have pipped. The whole family is loving it!!!
  6. GreenAcresFarm

    eggs starting to hatch.....

    do you need to add food/water or wait until the 24 hour mark when I can put them in the brooder.
  7. GreenAcresFarm

    A pip but no zip

    Thanks, I will try! I am a first time mother hen ya know.
  8. GreenAcresFarm

    A pip but no zip

    I a chick has pipped a whole in the egg and has not gotten any further in the last 5 hours do you help? He is chipping, a little, but not sure if he is to weak or what? Do you help or is this normal. This is only my 1st batch. The 1st one to hatched was completely out from start to finish in 2...
  9. GreenAcresFarm

    eggs starting to hatch.....

    I am new to this, how long do you keep them in the bator after they have hatched??? Thanks!
  10. GreenAcresFarm

    Here I go again!!!

    My VERY 1st hatch, was 1 out of 3 eggs, not bad for a rookie! I had a bator full of 35 eggs, candled last night and only 6 were not fertile they are due to hatch Memorial Weekend. So I decided the heck lets start another batch. I set them today. They are all my Polish stock. I AM TOTALLY...
  11. GreenAcresFarm

    hatching question.... I had one egg hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have some scratching noises coming from the other 2 eggs, hopefully will be soon. I have hope that they may hatch. My little quail that hatched last night is a cutie! He sleeps until he hears the human voice and he stands right up and follows the sound of my voice. My daughter named him/her...
  12. GreenAcresFarm

    Polish Eggs 8++

    I have 8 Polish ready to incubate, my bator is full and I just can't put them in the fridge. I will also include for free any laid from now until Tuesday when I ship. I can't figure out how to upload pics, so here is an explanation of the parents: Hens: Gold Laced and Self Black Roosters...
  13. GreenAcresFarm

    hatching question.... I had one egg hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I Had A Quail Hatch!!!!!! I Am So Excited!!!:d:d What Next!
  14. GreenAcresFarm

    hatching question.... I had one egg hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I had one of the little yellow 4 egg ones I bought on ebay, I have since upgraded to the LG still air incubator. So hopefully the next batch will hatch on time!
  15. GreenAcresFarm

    hatching question.... I had one egg hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yeah, at first the temp was strong at 100 then slowly crept down and stayed around 90*. It has been 27 days so far... I am starting to loose hope.
  16. GreenAcresFarm

    hatching question.... I had one egg hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am still waiting. Should I just give up and open the egg? I think it's a dud. I had a VERY hard time maintaining a temp over 90* in this incubator.
  17. GreenAcresFarm

    hatching question.... I had one egg hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am new to this whole incubating and hatching thing. I have a small incubator that I was hatching 4 eggs in. It has been 22 days and nothing. How long do I wait to see if it will hatch? I candled them at 7 and 14 days and there was growth.
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